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Everything posted by NZM.031

  1. is it a button type or full face?? also has the flywheel been lightened or just faced?? cheers Linton
  2. whats the width and offset of these rims?? what size tyres are currently on them?? and are the tyres reasonable enough to drive home on once swap is done?? i have tyres here to put on.. and can get more tyres... so id just need to get home safely on. i have r32 gtst rims with some decent tread from what i can see... rears are a little low but are still legal. im in newcastle.. maybe we can organise a meet, or a friend of mine with a ute is always up at coffs. cheers Linton
  3. like i said mate, you have to be realistic in your power... a standard rb20 turbo will propel the car much harder if you spent money on some semi slick tyres rather than spend the same money and sit there spinning. that said... the standard turbo with a smidgen of boost is enough to propel the car well over the speed limit of any roads... therefore why not spend the money to get it handling shmick and putting the power that it has, down to the ground where it belongs.
  4. its all because of the fast and the furious... idiots buy skylines because they are "cool", they dont know why they are "cool" just that they are.... then they wack on a pod, cannon, and gay chrome wheels with pathetic dish and offset and a massive bov... and drive like a goon.
  5. meh abs is over rated... it doesnt like handbrake turns.. haha.
  6. my r32 is like that.. its just her personality... shes very high maintenance.. had a different problem every week... and its been over 2 months now. eventually though, i will get her sorted out.. everything will be replace one by one.. and the loan on her will be paid out and i will keep her forever... may get another car and what not, but from the past 16 cars ive had... ive learnt now its better to just keep the thing, than sell it. my 33 before was awesome till i started tinkering with it and drifting it.. then it just went to shit. my wrx was problem free.. my vy ss had some issues but mainly problem free.. my liberty was mainly drama free.. so was the statey.. and the sss... well, i guess its just skylines that have dramas.. but they are an older high performance car so its to be expected. cheers Linton
  7. sounds very thermostaty... also has the coolant been bled properly?? maybe has a huge air bubble cruising around the head... also, where are you checking the coolant level?? in the radiator with the cap off or in the overflow bottle?? and with the engine running or not?? if its making horrible noises when warmed up im thinkin head or head gasket is dying check plugs for evidence of wetness.. pressure test cooling system and look into cylinders to see if any are filling with coolant.. cheers Linton
  8. gday mate... congrats on your purchase... for overall good street performance.. heres my thinking (also what im doing to my r32) 1. full service.. engine, gbox and diff oil, oil + fuel filters, plugs, timing belt, drive belts.. compression check, etc. 2. turbo back exhaust (incl cat) + air filter 3. fmic 4. coilovers 5. boost 6. clutch 7. R33 gtr wheels and good tyres (failing the wheels... R32 gtr wheels with good tyres) 8. bosch z32 afm and SAFC2 to run it and new 02 sensor 9. walbro/bosch intank fuel pump 10. VG30 turbo or hks 2530 (if your budget allows it) all up thats around $6000 (going off cheaper brands but brand new) so check around here and ebay for bargains and you can reduce this amount much more or get much better brands. i got a set of near new cusco coilovers for $570 off ebay just by chance.. so the bargains are out there... and if you stick to this list.. it can be done over time and you wont get bored... frustrated yes... but not bored. also... remember you have a 2L... which is great fun... but not much poke... but it has enough for really good usable power, and its bullet proof, coming from a really powerful rb25det... i enjoy the usable power in the rb20 street cars should have a good overall balance in handling, power, grip, and slip.. which the r32 is well capable of. no point having all the mods to make 250rwkw if youve got crap tyres that cant handle it... or a slipping clutch that is losing 60% of your power.. or it wont go round a corner nicely because its all sloppy. cheers Linton
  9. im a self confessed 31 nut... that drives a 32 gtst... i was in the same position as you... except im not planning a rb30dett. i went the r32... because they are much easier to modify, as there a plenty more parts out there at a bargain price. i dont feel as bad about going nuts on it as they arent as rare as a 31... they are everywhere (not as much as 33's though) and i knew that all my effort wasnt going to be wasted as its a good overall base.. im going to get a nice 31 coupe, and keep it reasonably standard... the 32 is my all out car. cheers Linton
  10. fatz, you want fat chicks... go to greenhills maccas... fat chicks galore.
  11. spotted the other black r34 gtr v spec with the silver volks at kotara shell yesterday... and i keep spotting a black 32 gtst, chick driver, gold/silver lip bbs style rims... stock exhaust. and also spotted yesterday up scenic drive bout 9am... silver 32 GTR... immaculate... original... and loving it.. GTR.059 plates... older gentleman driving.... farking tidy!!! cheers Linton
  12. NZM.031

    R35 Vs Ducati

    its pretty pointless to compare a purpose built 4wd race car against a v8 family sedan... but they did, its pointless to compare an $80000 US gtr to a $200000 US porsche gt2, and they did that too.... drag racing is pointless... shredding tyres on purpose is pointless, building a 500kw GTR when you can only go 110km/h is pointless.... everythings pointless really, but it got porsche owners going, and holden owners without a leg to stand on, and it would be a nice feeling to have that gtr in your garage... its all for fun and interesting to compare a top end car to a top end bike.. wonder how it wouldve gone against the desmodeci... spose you would need a nismo edition gtr for that to be in the same league. given that most bikes can out perform most cars on corners.... and the ducati can out-corner most 4 cyl jap bikes due to its traction control system and controllable low down torque, the gtr must be absolutly neck breaking... (as shown by jeremy on top gear) cheers Linton
  13. gday mate, im in newcastle aswell.. and have a full kakimoto exhaust on my gtst, im pretty sure they are both the same, my centre section has a bigger muffler, not a little resonator like the picture you have shown, but an actual muffler... i would be happy to organise a swap with you one weekend if you'd like.. as mine is a little too quiet for my liking. until i got the car it was standard height, so the exhaust had no scrapes on it... its on its guts now but scrapage has been very minimal. it would have to be a bit after new years as ill be in melbourne but im happy to make the swap and do the work if you want.
  14. damn speed was a good mag... i have every issue, still in pristine condition..
  15. that sucks mate.. glad your ok, but that was a tidy as gtr... but i guess what happens happens and cannot happen any other way... its damaged now, moping wont help anything. what are you doing with the rims?? is the 4th one repairable??
  16. what is exactly about the rb20 boxes that break?? stripped gears?? snapped shafts?? etc?? i use my 32 for drift mainly... not much for drag. just wondering what it is that is crap about the rb20 boxes and under what treatment?? snapping gears?? dumping clutch?? clutch kicking?? or is just shear power?? and yes rb25 and rb20 have same clutch. cheers Linton
  17. and just where is this local pick up to take place?? and with the damage to the rims... is it the outer rim on one, and the inner rim on the other?? so theoretically, you could mix n match the two bad ones to make one good one?? cheers Linton
  18. i want what your on!!! haha is it strange that that makes sense??
  19. those kakimotos are mint. yes she does have taste.
  20. can you see the rims when your driving?? i cant on my r32 so my guess is no... therefore looks mean nothing, purpose means everything. buy your 20" rims and stick em on your wall, use them for a glass coffee table or tv stand where you can see em.
  21. definatly afm. get another one, or better yet, get a brand newy... there is one on ebay, brand new, $550, half of what you'd pay at nissan... or do what i did and get safc2 and a 300zx afm... brand new for $300 and the safc was $300... the problem is... because its random, it has the potential to happen at the worst time... like overtaking or pulling out etc. and it will only get worse, it pays to get it fixed right, the first time. a second hand one could be on the way out aswell. cheers Linton
  22. i like the volk gtp's but havent found any to have the offset that im after except straight from yahoo japan... but there are soo many better rims for the money if im going to that expense of getting them shipped... there were another set of volks that were 5 spoke i think they were called "challenge"?? im not sure, i had some of them but they were very skinny. haha, habibs at maccas... very funny. my mrs just doesnt get why i want to keep it in character... shed rather i got the same 18" work meisters that i had on my 33..
  23. thats shit dude... atleast you or your missus werent home, couldve been worse.. ive heard of people being broken into and the mongrels found the spare keys... drove right out of the garage with all their stuff... noone noticed anything, until the owners came home from holidays... note to all you guys with full house, heck, even standard gtr's etc. in the garage.
  24. because its just easier if shes happy with them too, i dont have to hear about how dumb she thinks it looks, she doesnt mind the bbs wheels above... but the ssr's she just doesnt like. the problem with those blitz wheels, and the old enkei 3 piece ones... is the outer lip is like 2" thick (not deep)... reducing the overall diameter of the spokes... making the wheel look smaller and chunkier. cheers for the help guys. Linton
  25. haha i actually dont mind my stock gtst rims... but the 6.5" and massive offset doesnt really tickle my fancy.. if they were 9" then id keep em.
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