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Everything posted by NZM.031

  1. i dont mind it.. the front bar needs less bar and more cooler... and the bonnet locks a bit tacky... but the te37s and the rest of it looks very goodly indeed... that youtube vid is nuts.
  2. if the safc is set to the z32 afm... then it will adjust everything and tell the ecu that its all good... if its not soldered... its not good. if youve used those simple wire splicing connectors then that could be it... they dont work at the best of times. i always solder stuff in, especially when its for the ecu. how have you wired up the z32 afm?? in the same way?? if so, that could be it aswell.. if you hard wire it, you can see the wires a physically touching each other, there is a good connection there. solder it and heat shrink it, then wrap it in tape or condute. is it a safc 1 or safc 2?? buttons or joy stick??
  3. do you know if the afms are in good working order??
  4. its sad isnt it... you hear and read about all these hardcore little workshops and race tracks scattered around japan... hours and hours from nowhere... and with some of the most insane machines and a very tight knit crew.... that will never happen here.. people just dont seem to be that passionate... who wants to travel to scone in the hunter valley to get some work done and have some good fun touge runs... not many i bet. australians have a more hands on approach... everyone has a mate, or knows a guy, who works on this and can get anything cheaper than anyone is selling it for. and because we have shit rules and shit roads... whats the point in spending money on parts and labour of good quality products when you can get a truck turbo, cut down truck core, and a plane fuel pump and have a stonking amount of power for the price of an ebc unit. australians just cant match the japanese for car tuning... we are good, but everything they do is spot on.
  5. haha... well it was a secret to me.. full time operations are over rated... a mate of mine went into it... the shit he went through to make it work... and he still hasnt made it profitable as like you say, the money just isnt around here.. he was better off just doing cashies in his garage. there is a list of tools that a workshop must have, it must be a licenced place for a workshop, and the oh&s crap that comes into it.. not to mention all the book work etc.
  6. think you have to pm him for that one... i rememeber when he first started... he wanted serious customers only... so he didnt have piss jerkers hanging around all the time.. not sure if everyone knows it now or he still keeps it a secret. cheers Linton
  7. hey bakes, do you live around this part of m'wether or is it just where you took the photo... its on my running route.. awesome views from up there and its soooo nice and quiet... i dream of the day i can buy one of those houses, where the garage is up on the road and the house lower... i can just imagine working on a nice gtr, in my immaculate garage with big glass windows looking out over the beaches. cheers Linton
  8. why would you want to do that anyway?? whats wrong with an r33 box... and why wouldnt you run a manual??
  9. i have had the same problem... ignition timing was retarding itself big time due to a fault with the afm... it was making all the right noises... just not going fast. are you positive you have the safc set to z32?? is the z32 afm new or 2nd hand?? and is the wiring job good?? did you splice the wires in with the ecu or make a good solid soldered connection. the safc wont make a difference if its tuned or not, but if its not telling the ecu that its a z32 afm then it will be running lean, and retarding the timing to suit cheers Linton
  10. that is nuts... it looks dead stock from the outside, tell your mate to tell him that im going nowhere near it... haha
  11. i had an r33 a few years ago... and set it up for drift, even though it was still a streeter.. for the most part it had a standard turbo.. and few suspension mods, coilovers, pineapples, strut bars etc... and a re shimmed diff.. and it was awesome. i loved the extra weight and grip that it had... direction changes werent snappy like an ae86 thats for sure so severe angles werent its fortay, but it was smooth and powerful and flowed through the corners... i think the key to it was its ride height and wheel track.... very very very low... and wide deep wheels that sat outside the guards slightly to change its roll centre.. making it feel very flat and firm on the road. it was able to strip 255s down to canvas very quickly.. and 235s... well... yeh. after that it got pretty much pigged up, big turbo, lots of boost, lots of stripping and lots of playing with the wheel alignments.. i also felt, with it being only 8 years old at the time, the chassis and the whole car felt much tighter. i think that although the car is relatively cheap to buy now... parts are still expensive and harder to come by then r32 parts. cheers Linton
  12. spotted yesterday arvo across the road from the beaches... a stock as lexus is200.... stock height, stock rims, but 3 guys looking under the bonnet... all i could see was polished bits and blue silicon hoses and a massive turbo... it has new style yellow plates... watch out for this one fellas... looks nuts.
  13. mate, sorry to hear about what happened... thats horrible, i know the feeling.. especially when its not just a simple mistake... it sounds like you actually got ripped off. as a mechanic... id like to let everyone know that we're not all like that.. i take pride in my work and my cleanliness and my tools.... i do what im asked, no more, except for a couple of polite freebies that i may notice... cables hanging down, earth cables, etc etc, but definatly no less.. the fact that they charged actually had the nerve to charge you for the so called "work" is ridiculous. on the other hand, ive worked next to blokes that couldnt care less.. its disgusting the way they treat customers posessions, no floor mats, seat covers or guard covers, dont wash their hands, leave oil fingerprints everywhere... its just crap. i dont mind if people watch me, i have nothing to hide.. i dont like people standing next to me though.. i like my space. if your an absolute dick about it though, well... i have a few oil filters at home that were meant to be changed.
  14. spotted lots of nice lines out this arvo... umm ,a burgandy 32 past newcastle beach and again near the train station, a silver 32 gtr that i followed past the hosptial and in to broadmeadow, annnd a blue 34 gtr cruising past entertainment centre, good weather this arvo for a bit of cruising.
  15. man that looks like it a was a great day... bakes, your car is awesome. good to see soo many 34 gtrs getting around now.. ill be there next year.. watch this space.. hahah.
  16. should be pretty much the same, aslong as the hoses are both on the left.. just check where the little sender is, you may have to add in some wiring.. r32s it is near the bottom hose, r33 is on the other side..
  17. i used to get this alot when i started drifting.. use the handbrake to get it to 90* then dump the clutch and gun it and hopefully it will hook up and spin you the rest of the way, if not, it will send you straight off the road. i think the cars just go from lots of fuel, to no fuel.. think about it... your cruising at maybe 3-4000 rpm in 3rd, you knock it in to second in the revs rise, then you hit the handbrake and put the clutch in, which unless you keep the revs up, will drop it straight back down to idle very quickly... how many time in normal driving would you drive at 5-6000 rpm in second, and then all of a sudden do a foot shuffle and let the revs drop back to idle... our cars stall soo easily even slowly pulling up to the lights... let alone swinging it around 180* cheers Linton
  18. i got my black r33s mixed up.. the one tht lives around the corner is RBF something.. very tidy.
  19. ideally, yes, a new radiator would be good.. i got a second hand one for $220 and put it in, only to have the waterpump shaft snap and throw the fan into the "new" radiator... so i had to quickly fix the old one to get me around.. next on the list is a new radiator.
  20. someone just booted past my house in rose st... sounded awesome. not to be encouraged though..
  21. hey all... hope the cruise goes well tomorrow.. wish i could be there but the 32 is playin up again.. definatly next year. cant wait to see the pics. cheers Linton
  22. when you top the water up aswell.... make sure you undo the 10mm bolt staring at you on the end of the plenum.. run the car at operating temp, topping up with water until a solid stream of coolant comes out.. no air bubbles... this gets the air out of the system. and check the radiator for air bubbles... if its bubbling like crazy.. its dont the head gasket.. thats the worst case scenario though. if its just a bubble here and there, its just that, a bubble. and dont put cold coolant in a hot car thats switched off... keep it running while your filling it up.
  23. if your looking AT the car and the leak is on your right (turbo side) then it wont be a hose, as the hoses are on your left... its possible that your mechanic didnt take the radiator out when doing the timing belt and bashed it with tools or the fan... theres not a great deal of room to move around in there... if its coming out of the radiator, you'll have to take your shroud off and check. dont stress... i broke 2 radiator tubes after my shroud got pushed into the radiator.. i got a new radiator which didnt get along with the fan... so cashless and carless and in need of a quick fix to get it going... i fixed the old radiator with DEVCON... may not be the best idea, but its been holding solid for almost 3 weeks now. its basically an aluminium putty... when mixed with the hardner, sets like metal... i just put in bit more hardner and packed it in where the 2 tubes had broken. i drive the car everyday and it hasnt got hot or leaked yet. cheers Linton
  24. ive seen some shocking bullbars, ones that need heavier springs in the front just to hold them up.. add massive winch with steel cable weighing around anywhere from 40 to 60kg and its a massive amount of weight in front of the wheels added to an already heavy vehicle that struggles to come to a stop as is. add to that a towbar and side rails.. and bigger wheels and tyres, its amazing that the things can still stop.. especially the hiluxs with 4 piston brakes that fit inside a 15" wheel. sorry for getting off topic... but it just really pisses me off that we make our cars literally safer, yes they are very fast, but they can out handle and out brake everything else, but because they can out run everything else... we get picked on, and made out to be hoons and criminals. import owners... funding police christmas parties since 2000. cheers Linton
  25. the black 33 bcc87r, i think it lives around the corner from me in merewether and ive seen it at turbo technics in cardiff.. also saw la77er, white r33 gtst on the way to work this morning at charlestown heading towards hillsborough road.. that is all.
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