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Everything posted by scotty014

  1. i thought hellaflush is kinda from southpark when cartman keeps saying 'hellacool' and 'thats hellalame' and kyle keeps getting really pissed off everytime he says it.
  2. im not a huge fan of them, i prefer rims with a bit of dish. my favourites or the xd9's and i also like the CE28N's. but its your car so you go with whatever you like because your the one that will be seeing it everyday.
  3. i think all we need is a nurburgring and an autobahn, problem solved seriously though in my opinion it will never end, you can minimise the hoons but it will never go away. i must admit i do like to watch the jap street drifting and also the mischief dvd's that are all illeagal things they are doing, but i guess alot of people watch this and decide they can do it too.
  4. cops wont even notice it, its not an import.they will look but notice that there is no 'nissan' written on it so just let it go lol.
  5. oh man, another event cancelled, i just bought some bob jane all rounders ready to do some burnouts at the protest. (just to let you know that was sarcasm lol) but seriously ill be in anglesea and i cant wait .
  6. i agree with the supersparks. the dealer purchased these and put them in my car before i bought it and they failed in a few months so i bought splitfires and have had no problems since.
  7. Price drop $17,000, need this gone to make room for the new car. please buy
  8. ha, i wonder if bob jane got teased at school for having the initials BJ, i would of made fun of him lol.
  9. dunno if any of you guys have seen this but its a camry with a T51r, best sleeper ever!
  10. lol, i remember seeing some chairs like that during high school as well.
  11. i agree with you 100%. still hilarious in my opinion, especially on peoples passed out faces lol.
  12. what do you mean these days, i used to draw penis's on peoples work at school lol. it got to a point that you couldnt leave your seat without taking your books lol. good memories.
  13. it already has over 700 members on this facebook site ans someone just made another pic, it is lol: edit: i forgot to put up the link: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/gr...8677&ref=mf
  14. there is already a facebook page about this now, and also someone has posted up a pic on it:
  15. thanks steve, i appreciate that. when i get my new one ill make sure your one of the first to see it and take it for a drive.
  16. thats the words i was looking for to describe what i think of him. thanks dezz.
  17. Need this car gone now, ive found the right one that i want next, ive got some interior shots so you can see how clean it is:
  18. i was really looking forward to this. everything else in my life at the moment has been going shit and now this. cant wait for bob jane to kick the bucket ( if its his fault).
  19. hear is some hsv's getting hit by hail. im definately not a fan of the swearing around the little kids though . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDw7FeUhNtQ...player_embedded
  20. thanks mate . my wallet wasnt too impressed after buying those gauges though lol. id also still be interested to see how you go fitting the gauges.
  21. unfortunately i cant take the credit for installing those gauges, my mechanic at EAS performance did it. the defi gauges that i have on are the racer gauges they usually have a black part around them but it wouldnt fit. he squeezed them in then used silicon to hold them in place, he said it was very fiddly to do, but the end result was awesome.
  22. i think a car that will always look classy and never outdated is a bmw e46 m3.
  23. getting rid of the stock gauges is good, i did it and fitted defi's in there and they look soooooo much better than the stock ones, hear is a pic:
  24. sweet sounds good, just to let you know its been really bad tonight from about 9.00pm
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