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About Tig

  • Birthday 19/05/1976

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    R32 GTST
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  1. Has anyone found a place that does it as one piece? I think the join is just going to be a pain in a car as small as a skyline.
  2. Hmmm if I can get the boys organised that might work well. We will see
  3. Ok ladies, its time for another one. With the Club Motavate people down on the weekend kinda give me the push. Date: Sunday, August 17th 2008 Starting Location: Harvey Norman Bunbury Car park Time: 10.30am gather 11.00am Sharp Departure. (Please be ready to go) Heading to: ? Ok guys this is the bit that we need your hand with. Basically I have chatted to a few people and it seems the two destinations of choice are: Margaret River or Mandurah Either is a fine choice so guys and girls please show us your preference so I can work out the map and such. I figure I will actually map it this time so people cant get lost. The destination will be chosen by you guys. If this post isn't the original on Silviawa.com then please email your preference to me Here. I will tally it up in early August and work it out from there. Thanks people
  4. Thanks for dropping in at work guys, special thanks to Stacey for that. Always good to meet new people, will make a bit more effort to meet you all next time, work was kinda draining You guys have some really sweet rides. The Silver 32 was awesome. Anyways hope you had a good trip home after I raced away from the lights. (realized I was running late to get to a family occasion. n.b. I dont usually speed like a crazy lunatic....much) Anyways thanks for coming down, hope to catch you all in your end of the woods sometime soon when I can get the boys organised. Remus.
  5. Yeah I noticed that myself the other day. And yes I will see what I can do in regard to another Sunday cruise soon. There are a few people that are currently unable to cruise due to the Local Constabulary that will be able to again very soon, I believe Paddy told me 20 days to he can "legally" cruise again. So thats makes it late July (27th) or Early August (3rd). Will have a bit of a chat with everybody that usually comes along and we will work it out. As for this cruise I suggest a simple "If you can go, then go approach people". The more people from down this way that go the better. It is always good to meet new people that share the same passions.
  6. Did anybody ever get this fixed or find any answers? Both mine need doing. I have good (Not scratched) glass for both sides of my 32 but need to fix this problem before I put them in.
  7. Yup that sounds like the way to go. We could all cruise up and lunch it and then cruise back down with you guys and girls.
  8. Yup pretty sure a few of the guys down here in Bunbury will be keen to cruise. How far south you planning on heading?
  9. Sounds cool, not far up from Bunbury so will see what happens. See if we can con a few of the boys into cruising up.
  10. APRIL 20th 2008 Hiya guys and girls, Decided its time we had another cruise so here is the details so far. Destination: Busselton. Same as last time we will stop at the Jetty. Starting from: Harvey Norman Carpark, Bunbury. I know it was damn hot last time all standing around but its cooler months now. Time: Start rocking up at 10am, will be departing 10.30am (CHANGED TO 11am DEPARTURE) Basic plan goes: 10.30: Depart 11ish: Meet at Busso Jetty and see what people want to do. Probably have a bbq on the beach front there somewhere as the people I have talked to seem to like that idea. This means bring BBQ stuff (meat, bread, etc) if you want to, else there is a good little take away shop at the Jetty. 12pm Supra drivers will have caught up and will join us. Take a cruise around. Work it out from there. Everybody seemed to have a good time last run so hope to see you all there again. Any questions email me at remus1976@bigpond.com or sms me on 0415393825(I say sms coz I am usually at work) If you want to be super helpful rsvp sms to 0415393825 just so I can gauge numbers. Thanks Remus Dont forget: Camera BBQ stuff Spare powersteering belt (Jesse) Spare Alternator (aaron)
  11. Anyone know who/where these ones come from? I agree with the whole Red LED taillights are gay but these babies are just way to sex.
  12. Yes, I would concur on that point as mine is in fact 1989 Type M
  13. Looks alot like the standard TYPE M one but the three holes behind the original plate location are strange, unless the person hole sawed them. The holes on the left and right though in pairs do look very TYPE M. Here is my TYPE M bar and they do look very similar. (all m-spec references changed to TYPE M to keep Funky funky!)
  14. Thanks Rush, great work!
  15. Im in the process of planning out some new graphix for my R32 and after a few days of exhaustively googling the world I have come to the conclusion that good sideon design sketches etc just arent out there. If anybody has any of these that you think I might find useful please "PLEASE" pm me! Id get my Designer to sketch some up but I already owe him enough Corona! Thanks Guys
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