Oh ok cool, wow didn't expect this many replies when I got home....Haha. Thanks alot for everything, even is it was something along the lines of "maybe you should learn to drive" or whatever. Oh, I have been driving for a fair few years now , just not with a car that is similiar to one of these, so thanks for that awesome. Just seems that I've heard a few topics with spinning wheels involved. It's not that I'm "worried" about it R338oy, I'm just being careful man but thanks for the reply.
Hahaha Kralster, I thought that was pritty funny
Bubba I'm sure there are alot of people that have that same problem but are proberly not admitting it
Special thanks to most that replied, it seems to have solved my question fairly well.
Happy + Safe Driving all. Hopefully will meet a few of you down the track some time.