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Sonic speed

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Everything posted by Sonic speed

  1. Tyvm. Do you know if they come in black?
  2. Hey all, was looking over google and ran into these rims bellow and was wondering if you guys know what they are? Google says it came from the SAU website, so obviously someone has/had them. Thanks
  3. Yeah ill agree with the above post. One word.....orgazmic.....people it is said.
  4. I noticed that with my car, but after close examination (and some "foot planting") figured my problem was my foot was to light. It's completely stock right? So you should start to feel it from about 3.5k rpm onward correct? you will notice the rpm's and speed climbs significantly faster. So, yeah it that doesn't work I would go see the mechanic. Remember to be safe when you hit the boost like adam said. Don't push it to far. Goodluck
  5. ill 5th (I think :S) tha 98 BP
  6. Good show. 8/10 + skylines = 11/10
  7. Are those clear indicators or.....? On the front bumper
  8. On the sub topic of locations, and what the difference is. Would the insurance in Western Australia be more or less in comparison. Anyone?
  9. Lol, don't worry about the thread, it seems a certain comedian has highjacked it . It's fine with me , getting a laugh out of it. ^^ Ive got all the info I need, so go for it >.<
  10. So what some of you are saying is that you wouldn't trade me 22k for your spot for a car that you can buy 3 months later? MAD! I do see what you mean with giving something so good up for 3 months, but it is what it is and 3 months is only time Besides, its not like you will run into a heap of them at the local meets
  11. Oh, ok. Thanks alot man. I've concluded that it shouldn't be a problem as long as the car is driven properly so it's not really a problem.
  12. Oh ok cool, wow didn't expect this many replies when I got home....Haha. Thanks alot for everything, even is it was something along the lines of "maybe you should learn to drive" or whatever. Oh, I have been driving for a fair few years now , just not with a car that is similiar to one of these, so thanks for that awesome. Just seems that I've heard a few topics with spinning wheels involved. It's not that I'm "worried" about it R338oy, I'm just being careful man but thanks for the reply. Hahaha Kralster, I thought that was pritty funny Bubba I'm sure there are alot of people that have that same problem but are proberly not admitting it Special thanks to most that replied, it seems to have solved my question fairly well. Happy + Safe Driving all. Hopefully will meet a few of you down the track some time.
  13. Hey all, Was just wondering with the GTS-T's (R33's) if they spin the back wheels alot? As in what would you expect the wheels to start slipping out at from a take off? Would it only do it if you were feeding it on takeoff? Thanks.
  14. Have you maybe considered that the R33 driver might have driven past twice because he WAS checking that you were ok? I mean if he was in a hurry he could have just kept driving, instead of doubling back. If it was a little slip up like that then I proberly would have stopped anyway personally. Good to hear that no1 was killed or injured badly, get back on the road soon.
  15. Bahahaha. I really don't see the need for you to have a BOV that wooossshhh's so much. Return to stock
  16. its not a gag, its a mockery. Either way, enough said.
  17. Well....First of all let me say that personally I think your sig is a disgracefully cheap shot at an Australian Icon who has done nothing but cared for all. 2nd, get the lower power R33 you obviously don't have the maturity in my opinion to even handle a turbo. 2 cents worth, do what you want I don't care.
  18. Give him a break we all know what he means.
  19. Im not saying that I know a heap about Supra's or Skylines other than this. You are paying 20k for a supra that is 14+ years old. It seems it's more about the money than the actual car. Anyone can say "my lambo is better than your supra or skyline" and your sitting there thinking, yeah no shit thats because its half a million dollars worth of car. Try and keep a open mind and accept that there are cars out there that are better than yours.
  20. <--- Ivos ^ Dan :laughing-smiley-014: <---- Sonic
  21. You know what really grinds my gears, you Skyline Australia.....F*** YOU. Nah I joke I joke. I love SAU. Anyway, you know what really grind my gears? Well of course when someone doesn't use the clutch. There goes you gears!
  22. Move to W.A Maybe you should get a car thats naturally aspirated? Say if you were chasing something with some grunt, a commodore or a car with a reasonable sized engine?
  23. Im pritty sure he means Japanese origin cars or vans....whatever.
  24. Hello all, I'm looking at getting a car from Queensland to Western Australia. I'm sort of lost as to what company I should use and what sort of price it might cost me. Has anyone got any advice for recommendations of companies that they have used? Also what other stuff might I have to consider in my budget? Thanks
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