yea but its fun if u get away with it, cops will allways be cu_nts to skyline drivers even if we drive around like granpa!
might as well piss them off. I didnt buy a skyline for sunday drives, if u have it use it but thats just me!!
hey did anyone see the two skylines racing at alex heads tonite?
then getting chased by the cops, anyone from here? and did the cops catch them or not?
A black r34 and a black r33 or r32
f*k there were some cops out on the weekend around caloundra, one on a bike tried to give me a defect for having to dark tinted windows,
but he let me off because he could not prove it.
i just got an r34 gtt in triptronic and its fun to drive, i would rather an auto to a manual.just because u drive a manual dont make u more of a man then anyone else, its the way u drive it that counts not on the transmission. plus im an lazy lol
i just bought a gtt r34 two weeks ago, it had 88.000 on the clock and had the original log book.
great car love it i have trip tronic and i like it.
go for the two door it looks heaps better.
look at spending 20 000 to 25 000 for a good one. try to buy privite by someone who has imported it themself.
most of the car yards sell shit boxs.
good luck