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Race Circuit Training 2012 - Mallala July 23
V35-2005 replied to V35-2005's topic in South Australia
RACE CIRCUIT TRAINING ONLY $300 MONDAY 23rd JULY 2012 – MALLALA RACEWAY updated and confirmed pricing is $300 for club members (financial membership) but still $365 for non-club members info from John Bowe Driving as follows: Hi guys, John Bowe Driving are excited to announce the expansion of our Race Circuit Training program to S.A. , previously this course has only been run at Sandown in Victoria . Our Race Circuit Training program is designed to give our previous course participants an opportunity to get on track cheaper than our High Performance course and unlike a club day you will get more track time and have access to professional instructors. Our usual High Performance course is $465 per driver, this ‘Race Circuit Training’ is only $300 per driver so it’s a significant saving. As we are inviting previous JB Driving course participants we have the ability to cut some of the briefings down to get people on track sooner and without a fully structured training format. We also include half day options which may suit some people although positions for half day are limited. The Race Circuit Training program differs from the High Performance course in that it is more of an open track day style event and runs with a higher instructor/participant ratio, less detailed morning briefing, no circuit inspection, no timed laps, no written evaluation, no instructor driving you and no dedicated single instructor for the day. So what’s the value of our Race Circuit Training program, well we understand that some drivers are at a level where track time is important and just a small amount of fine tuning from our instructors is required. This new program is the perfect fit for that objective and as with our High Performance course all vehicle types are welcome (must be road worthy). SUMMARY The Event: Race Circuit Training (incorporating Motorsport Tuners and Club Group track day) The Date: Monday 23rd July 2012 The Venue: Mallala Raceway The Cost: $300 (full day), $240 (half day) – limited spots available (AM session - 9:00 to 12:30pm, PM session – 1:00pm to 4:30pm) [comparison table] PM me or Luke (heslo) for the enrolment form to complete and return no later than 9th July to confirm your booking. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. -
Race Circuit Training 2012 - Mallala July 23
V35-2005 replied to V35-2005's topic in South Australia
actually, it's a different Dean, so not Dean Canto -
I am pleased to announce a new trackday course to be run by John Bowe Driving at Mallala on Monday July 23. This course will sit between the Advanced Driving Course and High Performance Drive Days that I have promoted over the years. This thread is to gauge member interest while I work out the finer details and costing with Dean at John Bowe Driving. This an excellent opportunity to become familiar with driving around the Mallala race circuit with access to professional race car instructors across the whole day. It is a logical step up from the Advanced Driving Course events that I have staged and leads nicely into my annual High Performance Drive Day to be run at Mallala later this year on November 26 (that date is confirmed). The Race Circuit Training course is designed for those who have already done the Advanced Driving Course that I previously organised with John Bowe Driving (August 2009 and June 2010). Those drivers who have attended my previous High Performance driving courses with JBD over the last few years (November 2009, March 2010 and November 2010) or have track experience are more than welcome to participate in this event. This course will be less intense than the High Performance courses that I have previously run as you will not have as much one-on-one time with an instructor in your car as the instructors will be available to a larger group (the HP course has four drivers per instructor in a set group). It is designed to lead in to the High Performance Drive Day scheduled for the end of the year. If you have been to trackdays as a participant and want to improve your driving with a professional instructor, then this type of driving course is for you. If you have never taken your car out onto a race track, but are interested in learning how to drive at high speed on a circuit and are confident that you won't endanger the rest of us by being a complete noob (fully sik drifting doesn't count, bro), then this course may be for you. However, if you haven't done a defensive driving course or some sort of high speed driver training before, then this type of trackday may not be suitable for you. Sorry, but this is a safety consideration for everyone involved. John Bowe Driving and other companies do offer separate Level 1 defensive driving courses to get you started - please contact me or Heslo if you want more information on this. The SAU Advanced Car Control Course in September will be a good one to do. If you fancy yourself as the next F1 driver, then I'm sure that Red Bull will be looking to sign you up to replace Vettel for their 2013 season - you'd better get back to waiting for that phone call. No, we can't have spectators on the day as they are not covered by public liability insurance. Pricing has yet to be 100% locked in, but at most will be $330 for Club Members. Pricing for non financial club members is $385. One of the benefits of paying your annual fee to be a financial member of this club is discounted track day events like this (a big discount for a small annual fee). For comparison the discounted cost of the High Performance course in 2011 was $365 for members and $465 for the general public. Summary: * 20 places available for SAU and SA Supra club members * cost = $385 $330 for a whole day (0830-1630) of instructor led training * theory session, track walk through, practice laps, then instructor led training * relatively safe unless you're really stupid * but no insurance cover for damaging your car (you participate at your own risk) * includes morning tea + catered lunch * there will be an ambulance crew there (just in case) * you will need to bring your own (AS/ADR/Snell approved) helmet * metal valve caps for tire valves are required * fire extinguisher fitment is optional * this is a supervised training circuit day with strict and specific rules. * it is not a race session, nor is it a drift day. * overtaking on corners or under brakes is not allowed. * definitely no contact with another car's bodywork! * everyone has the opportunity to go at their own pace * no drifting * no spectators * no passengers other than the instructors * a CAMS licence is NOT required. Places are limited as usual - 20 cars in total for the day. You will need to be there from the start for the drivers briefing. It is not an open testing or tuning day. Please register your interest here in this thread asap. Priority for places will be given to club members. Cheers - Kim (V35-2005) Attending: Heslo
Last call for the trackday course on next Tuesday (October 25) There are a few spots left and we'd love to see some SAU guys out there at Mallala. Please let me know here or via PM by 3pm tomorrow (Friday) so that I can finalise numbers with John Bowe Driving as they're flying in over the weekend. Thanks - Kim
yeah, the timing isn't so great with the Skyline Nationals and Nov trackday coming up, but I hope that the people who aren't going to Sky nats or those looking to get a good foundation for the Nov trackday will take advantage of the discounted course fee offered here.
V35-2005 started following Mallala Trackday Course - Oct 25
I haven't been on here for a year, but it looks like I haven't missed anything then?
Some photos from last year's event (March) to show you that every driver wants to get the most out of their car by doing this type of course: If you own a high performance car, then some professional driver training will allow you to extract even more performance from it (and you)!
Hi guys, It's that time of year when the guys from John Bowe Driving team up with me and Luke (Heslo) to put on a High Performance trackday course at Mallala. This will be another joint event with SA Supra as it follows on from the very successful Advanced Driving Course 2009 , Advanced Driving Course 2010 , High Performance Drive Day 2009 , and High Performance Drive Day 2010 that we previously organised. This is the step up course from the (Level 2A) Advanced Driving Course that some of you have previously done with the instructors from John Bowe Driving and is the same format as the previously run (Level 2B) High Performance trackday courses at Mallala. Those who have attended the previous High Performance driving courses with JB over the last few years or have track experience are welcome to participate in this event. Those who attended the Advanced Driving Courses that I organised with John Bowe Driving in 2009 and 2010 are also eligible for this High Performance Driving Course. If you are new to the forum and haven't done a defensive driving course or some sort of high speed driver training course before, then you probably shouldn't enrol for this type of trackday. Sorry, but this is a safety consideration. John Bowe Driving are offering a separate Level 1 Defensive Driving course on Friday 21 October 2011 ($199) to get you started - please contact me or Luke (heslo) if you want more information on this. So if you are interested in taking your car out to this trackday, have some track experience (fully sik drifting doesn't count) or are confident at driving hard and won't endanger the rest of us by being a complete noob, then please contact Luke (heslo) via PM for further discussion. If you fancy yourself as the next F1 driver, then I'm sure that McLaren will be looking to sign you up to replace Lewis for their 2012 season - you'd better go back to waiting for that phone call. If you have been to trackdays as a participant or a spectator and want to improve your driving with a professional instructor, then you might like to do this type of driving course. You are more than welcome to sign up for this if you have previously attended similar Advanced and/or High Performance courses offered through other organisations. The discounted cost for SAU members will be $365 for the day (it is $465 for the general public in 2011) and you will need an AS/ADR/Snell approved helmet. A fire extinguisher is optional. Those who are on the JB Driving mailing list may have received an email invitation from Dean for a High Performance Drive Day on Monday October 24 - this is open to the general public and we have instead set aside Tuesday October 25 for club and import drivers. Sorry, we can't have spectators on the day as they are not covered by public liability insurance. This is a great way to prepare for and get the most out of the SAU club track days as the instructors on this take you through the Mallala circuit corner by corner and show you good corner entry-apex-exit technique to maximise your laptimes. Summary: ------ * 20 places available for SAU and SA Supra members * cost = $465 $365 for a whole day (0830-1630) of instructor led training * theory session, track walk through, practice laps, then training * includes morning tea + catered lunch * lots of bottled water / softdrinks to rehydrate also provided throughout day * instructor led (ratio 1:4 instructor:drivers) * relatively safe unless you're really stupid * but no insurance cover for damaging your car (you participate at your own risk) * there will be an ambulance crew there (just in case) * you will need to bring your own (approved) helmet * metal valve caps for tire valves are required * fire extinguisher fitment is optional * no drifting * no spectators * no passengers other than the instructors * a CAMS licence is NOT required. * this is a supervised training circuit day with strict and specific rules. * it is not a race session, nor is it a drift day. * overtaking on corners or under brakes is not allowed. * definitely no contact with another car's bodywork! * everyone has the opportunity to go at their own pace Places are limited as usual - 20 cars in total for SA Supra and SAU, so please PM Luke or me asap for the enrolment form that we will then email to you. If you don't fill out the form and send in your full payment to John Bowe Driving in the next week, then you'll not secure a spot or the discounted club rate. This event is two weeks from now, so plenty of time to get your car ready and book some time off from work!
looks like we'll have a nice group of Nissans out on the track on Wednesday (I have five listed at the moment) hopefully the weather will be a bit cooler by then. I'm not too worried about the showers/rain forecast as a cool change by the afternoon would be welcome. I look forward to seeing you all out there on the day! Brezza - I'll give you a call tomorrow to see how you're going with finding a helmet.
No, not Ari's black GT3 Probably will have a white one (Paul, a mate of mine) and a red one out there.
the F430 is difficult to top - it's hard to coax more exotic cars out of their hiding places for this sort of thing. i suspect that you will have more chance of seeing them on Rundle Street... I will have a GT3 or two out there on the day if that's any consolation
Nice one Glad to hear that you're in for this event after the long absence! I'll do a head count at the end of the week for final numbers. I think that we're getting towards 3/4 full now Last call for the rest of you dragging your heels.
Less than four weeks to go! Enrolment cut off is a week before the event (Monday 15/11/10) so that the JB office can collate the paperwork and allocate instructors to groups. Can everyone get their forms in as soon as possible and confirm on this thread? - the day is 65% full now, so get in fast or you'll miss out! Thanks - Kim
Done! Emailed you the form. Cheers - Kim
i prefer Endless pads - because they don't disintegrate into molten nothing. then again, Dave hasn't had a go at them yet :lol: