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Everything posted by J3TR33

  1. welcome to SAU, Depending on your budget, But something like a Series 2 R33 or R34 would be nice. I have a series 2 R33 n it goes nice for a stock car but once u get used to the power like i did lol then your gona want to get turbo. Price of skylines have gone down heaps and in a year they will drop even more. And in a year you probably wont even want a skyline. So my advice is save money, and when you have the money go and buy the car that you can afford to buy and upkeep
  2. pm's replied thanks Jarrod,
  3. lol yeh but i like to think that wheels will be cheaper on my car.. being 4 stud.. 1 stud less.. HAHAHA nah jokesss... thers always multi stud wheels out there
  4. pm's sent to everyone whos parts im interested in... cheers atm... still looking for a R33 turbo with all lines and elbow... preferably series 2 and in good condition
  5. if you go on ebay and search electric turbo.. you will find some for sale... or www.force-flow.com.au best bet is to go force flow and not some cheap china product... it would be good to see someone experiment and see what power results they get.. p.s: they also have twin-turbo... might wana try that
  6. chek out the other posts... turbo's going for 250-350... looks good and feels good doesnt mean it isnt actually fkedd... turbo is the last thing on my mind, hence why im gona leave that till i find a good one for a good price...
  7. yeh tru story... i might just buy it... they are hard to come buy.. especially auto series 2
  8. hey.. what do people think of this Series 2 Turbo Auto Ecu for $150 Delivered its exactly what i need... but not sure about the price... considering thers some going for $185 and then series 1 for $80 im not sure what is a good price... Cheers
  9. hey do you still have the Ecu... Il take it... Posted to Melbourne You have Pm... Cheers
  10. yeh must be one tuff looking turbo for 500... il pm you as a last resort cheers
  11. how much will you do for just the turbo with elbow water and oil lines... any shaft play or blows smoke?? Where are you located? cheers
  12. hey guys.. i have had offers on a lot of the parts i need and i will most likely buy them soon. But finding a Series 2 Turbo Ecu is doing my head in.. I have found a few tuned ones on ebay... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/r32-r33-cheped-Ecu-...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com.au/RB25DET-JAP-Tuned-E...1QQcmdZViewItem let me know what you guys think.. and also what other options do i have in terms of standalone ecu's.. for a good price... cheers
  13. hey mate... a bit more info on the Ecu.. Series 1 or 2 Manual or Auto Im after a Series 2 Auto Ecu... Not sure if the series matters... but i think it might as the plugs will be different.. cheers
  14. Since my car is auto i dont think il have problems with clutches... As for the brakes thats definetly on my mind of upgrading to at least the GTSt Brakes or better... No point having a quik car when you have nothing to stop it with.. Boom into a pole... nah dont like that to happen... a few questions... will a Manual Ecu work perfect on my Auto car... or it doesnt matter? what other turbo other than a stock r33 turbo can i put in? Cheers albii
  15. still looking for more offers on Turbo, Ecu and Injectors.. cheers
  16. hey pm'ed you a couple of days ago and no reply... is the turbo still for sale... if it is then il buy the turbo and the rest of the parts... as i need them for my turbo conversion... cheers
  17. all pm's repliedd...
  18. well put unarmed_skyline... you read my mind lol... i know people catch the bug of wanting more power out of a car... but i think once i get the car turboed and just do FMIC, Fuel Pump, and after market ecu il be more than happy with my car... as for the future im not expecting huge amount of KW's because i just dont see a point of it if im going to go to and from uni and the local shops... i have thought long and hard about this and i think i know exactly what im heding into.. and if it doesnt happen then bad luk move on... cheers
  19. no genuine enquiries so going to turbo my car cheers
  20. yeh it criticism doesnt bother me... you come buy my car for 13k and then il go buy a GTSt... caus ppl think oh yeh sell the car and buy another one... without actually thinking how hard it will be to sell an auto GTS... so if anyone can find me a buyer il be more than happy to sell and buy a gtst.. why do i need a custom job for it to be expensive... the whole thing cost me over 1.5k with dvd player and tv inside.. and as for the price of the car... it was bought for 15k with all onroads and registration... im already loosing alot of money on it... the way i see it... is il have a car that i already like with more power... and if something does f*k up at least il say i tried... and as for cops... once i get pulled over and get a defect for it il just pull all the parts out and keep it an NA engine... i dont want to be another r33t driver... this way il be driving something different... yeh once i need more power then il think of something... and as for the compression, il keep it high comp for a bit and have the fun and then il upgrade it to make it lower compression... bt thanks for raising the problems... it has made me think more but hasnt budged my decision...
  21. hey people just an update, iv decided im gona go with turboing my current engine... iv been convinced its the best option for me out of the three and like the sound of having a high comp turbo set up... iv started looking for some parts so if anyone has any parts read my post on wanted to buy section or just read through this thread and let me know if you have any parts.. hopefully once i get all the parts together i get a hand from you guys on how install everything and tuning it properly, thats if anyone is happy and willing to help... well cheers everyone for your opnions will keep posted and hopefully not too far away il have a DE+T :)
  22. hey people iv decided to turbo my Series 2 RB25DE and need some parts to get my project going.. Incase anyone starts saying how bad it is to do it, just read my thread in the NA section Well i need the following parts: Turbo with elbow, water and oil lines Exhaust manifold Dump-pipe & Front pipe Fuel Pump (stock or a cheap high flowing one) Injectors (370cc injectors preferably with rail) Intercooler and piping (stock) but might upgrade to FMIC Alloy cross-pipe with BOV Ecu, Stock One- Im not sure if it matters if its auto or manual Ecu, my car is auto so let me know if a manual one cant work on it. If i missed anything PM or reply and wel go from there... Hit me with some offers and i have a budget so i roughly know how much everything costs...
  23. J3TR33

    R33 Gts-t

    yeh i have done a fair bit of searching and have a seperate thread for this exact topic on the Naturally Aspirated performance section. Selling and buying a turbo one will cost me way too much and i know exactly what im getting into. Chek out the thread for more info anyway... laters
  24. J3TR33

    R33 Gts-t

    SSV in Oakleigh....all the way... got my skyline there even though its non turbo... its the cleanest R33 iv ever seen and a year later no problems whats so ever... Id chek out some private cars for sale on carsales.com or the for sale section on this forum... thers a nice Series 2 turbo Black for sale at carsales for like 14k and thats with minor mods like front mount, turbo timer and pod... with a bit of haggling you could drop the price to 13k... i was interested in buying that car but iv decided to turbo my current engine....
  25. yeh kinda agree with Eug here... the car has been very good to me so far, have had it for more than a year and still no probz what so ever... was bought from a quality dealer so paid a premium price... id be loosing way too much to sell it... so decision time: most likely i will go with turboing my current engine... as i know exactly how it is running now and if i do have troubles with it later on can always go with a rebuilt or get rb25det. as for an engine transplant... i know it will cost me more than 3k with motor and installation... so this is kinda stretching my budget... still an option if i find a good cheap motor... for the time being... i jst want the extra power and dont want huge amount of power so i think i will stick to the 8-10 Psi if i get it turboed.. Wats next: well it looks like i might have to start shopping for the parts... can someone provide me with the exact list of parts needed and rough price.... thanks SkitR31 for your opinion but can you provide me with the exact parts needed and rough price.. and what may or may not be needed to get upgraded... Cheers guys....thanks for your opinions... will keep posted
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