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Everything posted by NXTIME

  1. Why can't the oganising be started from now? I like the "Powercruise for Nissans" idea
  2. I have heard that WSID might be putting on the Sydney round of the SCS on its own accord.
  3. Abo Bob, is it possible to put up a list of cars that will be attending please?
  4. Unfortunately, I have to agree with the comments above. No matter how much effort an organiser puts on, its the public that will ultimately make or break an event. They are the ones who will provide the return on the eventholder's (and sponsors') investment. The past events havent been the best, but that is expected for such a new enterprise. As for competitor numbers, I see better fields at some Wednesday night Street meets. If half of the competitive cars in Sydney alone turned up it will be one hell of a competitor list. What these events rely on is actual consistent and competitive drag racing so that the fans actually want to attend. Then there are the sponsors who invest in such events, but will only do so if they get the return on their investment. Without the public, this wont happen. Its a bit of a vicious cycle, but that is the nature of this beast. Another important factor has been the teething problems associated with setting up and formalising the rules and format for SC. I sincerely hope that SC drag racing will only get bigger and better.
  5. I hope so, Abo Bob. In appreciation, I will donate to SAU and NSW SAU will gain another member. I will also take pics and videos. Charlie.
  6. This is good news and it is also bad news. bad news is that there are only three SCS events, but only two will have points available. Good news is that CABIN are not longer involved in this sport. They can have their Autosalons. Drag racing is for racers not ricers.
  7. dop3y, what was your bad experience with Envy? Pm me if you like. I have had my car there for a while and have nothing but positive things to say about them. And yes, the car sales yard was not helping the name, however, the car yard and workshop are two seperate operations. The workshop is still going strong,and they do still import many cars, but the car yard is now defunct. Herman is now selling some cars from his workshop and through other yards, I believe.
  8. There is a big difference between the Envy Imports workshop and their (old) car sales yard. As mentioned before, they still have cars for sale, and the workshop on Wattle Road is run by Herman. I haven't had any problems with them in the past at all and will be going back there very soon. Their website is www.envyimports.com.au
  9. Congrats to all the winners and well done to the organisers. From all reports it looks like it was a great day with plenty of quality cars. I wouldn't mind some more pics and info on the R32 GTR category winner DINZLR. Who's car is it and has it been down the strip? Hopefully next year is bigger and better and I can be part of it.
  10. Bugger. Anyone have a spare spot for me? Will bring digital cameras
  11. I need a spot for either a spectator or pit crew if anyone has one (or two) available. Will bring digital cameras
  12. When is this drag day and are spectators allowed?
  13. BU5TER: The car has been put on the backburner as I am still overseas. But I will get stuck into it as soon as I get back to Oz. Still haven't settled on which ECU I am going to use. And yours? DIRT: my fingers are permanently twised from crossing them so much. Patience is a virtue, especially in this game.
  14. there is a GTR-front Autech 260RS for sale in Sydney for over $50K last time I checked.
  15. excellent figure, slo32. Do you have a copy of the dyno graph?
  16. If car is ready and I am back in Oz, then I will race. I will have this date pencilled in as GO day. Fingers crossed.
  17. Are they a resident of Australia?
  18. I seriously doubt that there would be 170-odd HP drivetrain loss. More like 50-70HP. Where is SK?
  19. When comparing one single to twins, you should ensure that you retain as close a power rating as possible between the two set ups to keep the comparison in perspective. For example there is little point in comparing a 1000HP single to an 800HP pair of twins.
  20. *joins old man's drag club* Just fit some bigger turbos, Jerry. What was your ET on the 105.75 TS run?
  21. plenty on ebay
  22. What ECU, kabab?
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