It's a shame that is cancelled. The only positive for me is that the weekend is alot more relaxed, and my car will be finished for the 9th. It's good that they didn't wait until the morning to postpone it so alot of the interstate guys have some notice.
No, BU5TER, no HKS 2510's for me. Although, I did find a nice bonus of missing ECU, AFM's, fuel system, guage and some body damage. Saw the car today with damage fixed and in primer. Should be all ready next week.
My car won't be ready until next week, so not racing (as predicted) but spectating. Assuming that the weather plays its part. Otherwise, will be racing on April 9th (the reschedule date).
silver gts-t, I want to spray it in R34 Midnight Purple III, but I don't have the 6K to spare at the moment, and I don't want to leave the car in primer. Nor do I want to drive it with the damage to it. So, I will just respray it in stock colour to keep it inline with the rest of the car. won't attract any attention and blend it with the other million gunmetal R32's
Richard, can't wait for that day. I can't believe I have been so patient considering I am the most impatient person I know
It's a pity WSID don't allow private days there anymore.
Compak Attak is the renamed Sydney Jamboree:
Thanks Richard. I can't wait to hit boost.
I am going to keep with the stock theme and respray it stock gunmetal grey.
My GTR was driven to the panel beaters to get fixed while we wait for the computer and tune. I have been promised that it will all be ready by end of next week.
I was hoping to have it ready for Compak Attak this weekend. Maybe nxtime...
Saw two white R34's today. One in Mosman and one in Ermington. Both had silver/shadow chrome star wheels and one had a big black rear wing.
Also so Grey R33 GTS-t with [GTS2NV] plates and a cute blonde girl driving it on Ultimo rd Ultimo at about 5:30pm.
Oh, and a grey R32 GTR being driven for the first time (on trade plates) to a panel beaters in Brookvale
An Odyssey 650 is not actually 650CCA's more like 250CCA. Some sealed batteries (such as the Odysseys) are misleading in that sense.
It shouldn't take a car 30 secs to start anyway Also, you should wait until the fuel pump relay stops priming before starting.
Nope. Correcting, not contradicting. As I said earlier, I didn't think it was an STI. No definites there Especially since I recall it running 15's - you'd expect an STI to get into the 13's.
A quick search confirmed it.