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Everything posted by andy65b

  1. nice looking car. Well done.
  2. Not on the VQ25DET.
  3. have a look at the G35 service manual. I think it shows all the details in there. Let me know if you need any of the pages.
  4. I found this on ebay today and this would be a good compliment to the R32 calipers. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/NISSAN-200SX-SKYLIN...=item1e572b1503 Cheers Andy
  5. Plus the man with the M35 do do some language conversions.......LOL Cheers Andy
  6. that looks pretty good. mmmmmm if only my car had the Dual sunroof.... jut note that they have fitted ARX wheels to the AXIS. Axis wheels are slightly different but still 18's as are the ARX. Good luck.
  7. that was about what I paid for one fitted. You don't meed to replace both do you? Have yours got a mark of yellow paint on them? The reason I ask is this was a Nissan recall in Japan and when they checked them they marked them with this paint.
  8. yes, I believe it is a common problem. Apparently it was a common fault with the Aust delivered Pulsars of the early 2000's models where this part is common. My car was showing the warning light on and clearing it self. As it got worse the motor would stop at random times at speeds up to 70km/h, so not the most enjoyable experience. I had the part replaced, in my case, right bank (drivers side) and the problem was all solved. less a few dollars taken by the Nissan dealer. Cheers Andy
  9. ooopppss. sorry my bad. I is not on here. I mus have been told on a phone call. Before you start this procedure make sure you turn your stereo off and the CDs are correctly parked in the mechanism. The basic procedure is. 1. DISCONNECT BATTERY 2. remove screws on either side of steering wheel, on the back facia of the wheel behind a little pop in bolt cover. This screw is a torque head screw (star pattern). This can be quite tight as it has lock tite on it. 3. The centre of the steering wheel will no come out (the airbag), as you pull out you will see a plug connecting it to the car on the top edge. This plug has a safety mechanism to stop the plug poping out. The black part of the yellow plug needs to be lifted up to release the plug. Put the Airbag aside. 4. You can now see the horn mechanism that floats on the inside. On the left side you will see a grey plug with a wire running from it connecting to the horn mechanism. Remove this grey plug as your new controller will replace this. 5. Undo the central nut holding the steering wheel in place. 6. Once removed you will need to undo the screws that hold the horn mechanism in place, this will release the pannel that covers the access to back of the steering wheel. 7. You should now have access to the back of the steering wheel to undo 2 screws that hold the silver blank in place. Undo and replace with controller. 8. Run wires around and plug grey plug into hole. 9. Do the reverse of dissembly to complete conversion. This should not take more than 1 hour. Good luck.
  10. uummmm...sorry but calipers need to clear the wheel... if wheel fouls on the caliper it has nothing to do with the discs on the car.
  11. Chris rogers for both stereo controls and cruise control. I believe it is around $900 for the cruise control. Cheers Andy
  12. You don't need a new steering wheel. You get these features fitted locally. The Stereo unit is about $60 and there is a DIY on the forum for this. The Cruise control is not a DIY, but Chris Rogers (Audio Express) can install cruise control and uses the factory buttons so it is a very neat job. Cruise on these cars is not a cheap option as the throttle is controlled electronically. But it is good to have IMO. Chris is on this forum so you can send him a PM or get his phone number from my signature below. Cheers Andy
  13. Hi Damien Should be a straight fit or with only small amount of adapting as Danny put these same brakes on his m35. BUT,, he needed to put 15mm spacers on the front of his car to get his wheels to clear the caliper. He had 20 inch wheels but they did not clear the brakes in offset. So check it all out first. Cheers Andy
  14. Use circuit board cleaner rather than the WD40. If you need some pop round and you can use mine.
  15. I am pretty sure it will brake but only down to a moderate speed. But the bad news is that it will not set a speed higher than an indicated 110km/h.
  16. from memory he disconnected the harness at the front wheels, but maybe be a bit neater than his method What about having a look at the ATESSA computer for any codes, in the back right of the boot behind the pannel.
  17. Iain, we are talking about oil in the engine not fuel in the tank.........
  18. I am not sure how much my Subaru Outback takes but who gives a shit as it is not a VQ25DET.
  19. you need to read his POST... WA (the cheapest insurance state and he is complaining.....LOL)
  20. If you have a map disc, keep it in the unit and make sure it reads it. If you don't have a map disc, see if you can get a copy. All the units I have seen with a map installed in the DVD rom were an easy conversion. The laser seems to get dirtier with no disc installed. Cheers Andy
  21. I believe the official number is 4.7 liters
  22. We will do a new post soon but we are finalising some information before we post. So, Yes, but not quite yet. Cheers Andy
  23. Hi Fraser, I am back and have sent Auto Sound and email and waiting for a reply. Should be soon I hope. Cheers Andy
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