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OZ GTR35 last won the day on September 4 2022

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About OZ GTR35

  • Birthday 27/05/1971

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    Sydney, Hills

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  • Car(s)
    R35 GTR & EVO 9
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  1. Yeah it does vibrate a little from the outside but its all clear inside.
  2. For sale a 2nd hand titanium y- pipe or mid pipe. It has come off my 2008 R35. I assume $750 is a reasonable price, I just dont need it hanging in my garage. Message me if you have any question. Pick up in Castle Hill Sydney, no postage as I dont have anything to pack it in. Thanks
  3. My son and I finished making a mess in our garage as on Sunday as we finished an audio project on the EVO. We managed to squeeze 2 x 18" subs into the boot in a Perspex mount. I said no more power mods to the evo so 10KW's of audio in the boot was a trade off. 220KW@all 4 and 10KW's in the boot! So that makes 230KW in total correct? See the pic and a video of the light show. On the GTR side I finally managed to restore the exhaust back to standard. I removed the y-pipe and now it suits an old man like me a bit better. where is the best place to sell an R35 titanium y-pipe now days? IMG-0099.MOV
  4. Soz, I could not get the videos to load?
  5. Some pics and I have some videos also
  6. Good to meet you Merlin, the day was good I would recommend it to anyone who was interested. GTS people you will have a ball. GTRs obviously a little harder in 4WD. My son did not have the confidence to get the EVO off tilt but still had a ball.
  7. Just letting everyone know there are no driver spots left, just passenger and spectators now. Dave, see you there, I will be in the silver 35 and my son is in his silver EVO. I did some reading on how to drift the 35, apparently at greater than 15 deg steering angle the 4WD comes off, all the reading says the harder you go the better. I can only assume old Semi slicks and a wet skid pan means it wont be hard to loose traction, and I should be in for a fun day!
  8. Hi All, After my failed attempt to organise a drift day last year, Im looking to do it on this new date. Its on a Monday of the Kings Birthday weekend. 12 Jun 2023 7.30 am Start $170 https://www.australiandriftclub.com.au/events/12-jun-2023-wet-pan-drift-days/ There are currently 35 spots left, I will book tonight, if anyone wants to come please feel free to book. I have My R35 and my sons Evo going, and maybe 3-4 work mates. If anyone else is interested book in early so we dont miss out on spots! Every date before this is fully booked so get on it! Hope to see you there.
  9. The EVO has arrived and now the fun begins.
  10. Crickets on so I’m most likely a now show. Soz
  11. I might bring may mate who has a 35 also, I need to ensure cricket is off first.
  12. Soviet, I will take the ticket, no need to return it, I need to learn how to control the 35 in the wet. I have 9 different Suspension/Traction/4WD settings to understand. I will bring the car to Rouse Hill tomorrow if Cricket is rained out. See you there, and we can transfer the wet drift day if you want. Cheers
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