you get what you pay for, dont scrimp on cheap rims
sand blasting would annihilate a cooler
paint stripper as mentioned the way to go, ive had acid bathing reduce teh fins to "waffer thin" frailty
why you want to strip that crap off to cover it over in more crap
If you need a aligner pm me
If your not sure of swapping the cam gear its probbaly best you get some experienced person to do this it probbaly save you $ in teh long run
Lumpy knows the neo to 33 cas wire
I think you find the key inthe exhaust cam ... or lack of it will prevent you bashing the 33 cas in.
bovs are "sikbro"
the only ones with smaller clutch should be hr31 style with the 6 bolt pressure plate to flywheel (228mm driven plate) rather than the 9 bolt (240mm)
whats the flywheel from gucio
the plugs have a guide on them centre is low impedance (32 gtr) offset on the hi impedance stuff (32 gts a31) youll either need to grind the guide off teh injector or buy new plugs....... fresh clean uncrusty bosche plugs with the new style push clip would be nice
I found that years back and never gave it much thought after that, might go back and take another look