Since LadyBytes has "let the cat out of the bag", Yes, I did get my skyline last night (Friday). I drove it back from Sydney.
Its a stock R34 GTT with white enkie 17" wheels and and after market air filter (pod).
These photos are from carsales, as I havent conned Tuk Tuk to take any photos yet, I really need to give it a good clean, polish and wax first, but this should give you an idea.
I'm pretty over the moon with it, Now I gotta get its rego changed over which means a few things..
The pod isnt going to get over the pits, has anyone got a stock air filter I can borrow to get this over the pits?
Also, I'm going to need tyres. Michele told me to talk to you Mick about some road federals, I dont want the 595s - I'll kill myself with them I'll send you a PM.
Also, big thanks to Turismo for going and having a look at the car initially for me.
Now, I guess the fun begins....