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Everything posted by toddlls

  1. Could just be intake noise, is it turbo'd, have you owned turbo'd b4, if so is a new noise?
  2. Try option1garage
  3. More to the point I guess is there any proven way to improve the cars performance with 1 type of body kit over another or perhaps or even paint finishings. ie Kiwi yachtsmen use lanolin on their hulls to improve the boats slip through the water & powerboaters use it for better fuel economy-not possible on the car but??????????
  4. Thanks-that clears things a lil I dont know much about this type of stuff-am hoping to understand it all a little
  5. Is there anyone in here doin Aerospace Engineering or works in a Wind Tunnel facility that can actually answer this Q?
  6. You could check out the Whiteline Site & see if the swaybars are the same part number? Other than ring Nissan about part numbers of the 2 Tie Rod ends I cant help yah there sorry
  7. There was something like this on a cable show Wheeler Dealers prank, german cars had issue with relays behind dash I think- try voltage tester on stereo cables & wiggle wires-hope it helps mate
  8. Be smooth, use Scandy flicks if understeer is a problem, Skidpans are surprising great ways to learn-doesnt make you 10ft tall & bulletproof tho- remember wet handling slides are very different to dry but it does help more than you will know at the time. Stay away from Handbrake as much as possible but practice it for entries none the less or even to extend the slide-which you will learn to do with the throttle-eventually-work on weight shift. Dont pump throttle unless trying to upset balance of car. Best way to learn how to skid steer at skidpans Most of all have fun & obey the rules of the arena
  9. Split Vacuum lines somewhere, Blown head gasket, rag stuck in pipework somewhere-start where Elite said to start checking-he knows his RB's better than just about all everywhere
  10. Paid List updated, 30Five-yep treasuror has received it but I forgot to ammend list-missed that pm from her list ammended now:)
  11. depends on State to State, ring Road Authority in your State, ask for modifications ph number, write it down & store for further reference. Its the only way you will know for sure mate-hope that helps. Up here dry pods arent illegal-wet type ones are
  12. stereo layout nearly complete-not prettiest but effective, have way better balance in car now:)
  13. A little over a month to go:)
  14. Just dont mix the orange coolant with the green-bad chemical reactions happen
  15. Regardless of the Cd rating they still handed the V8 Falcons & Holdens their asses at Bathurst & every other type of vehicle they raced against when they were released-including the Cosworth Sierra's. I dont believe that its such a handicap tho-look at Victor Bray in that old school Chev, has the aerodynamics of a house brick but it still hauls ass ,so is it really that important considering the car was made in '92
  16. We get picked on cause the polititions know we pay the fines-not the fault of the Popo as they are just doing what they are told to do
  17. Sounds good to me-I will be there
  18. Is that oil cooler gone yet?
  19. Roger that, am gonna go out to Spit tomorrow around 1pm to see who's around
  20. No limit mate
  21. Do you want me to add you to list?
  22. I got the car with 71,000 on the clock-which I rekon was BS-the timing belt had been changed & looked about 50,000 used(so more likely 140K, I have now got the odo at 187,000 & the turbo wouldnt have lasted much longer I think-nearly 2mm side to side in shaft-so may last may not-if your worried about it replace it is my advice or get it reconditioned-you must be getting close too like I was
  23. Let me know what you find out mate
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