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Beelzebub89 last won the day on September 13 2013

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About Beelzebub89

  • Birthday 14/09/1989

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    R32 GTR, GPZ250
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  1. Restrictive when flowing close to 500kw though yeah? just thinking if 400 to 450kw is the goal then the 8370 fits in that spot. Is the 70mm rear going to be restrictive at that power level? On the 7670s isn't it the compressor running out of puff at 400kw rather than the rear being restrictive?
  2. Has anyone seen any results with an 8370 on an rb26 yet? Seems like it could be a good option sitting between 7670 and 8374 https://www.full-race.com/borgwarner-efr-8370-turbo
  3. Yeah wasn't really about going single. Ive read plenty on it but it's not something I want for my car. Was more looking to see if anyone here had seen results with these new smaller turbos. Lots of new compressor and turbine tech in the last few years but not a lot of that finding its way into smaller aftermarket turbo's that I've seen. Even less being experimented with other than varying sizes of singles and people messing around with the GTX compressors on old exhaust housings. Just looking at wheel sizes and compressor maps these look very close to -7s but still working at high pressure ratios.
  4. Been getting ready to finish my car which has been sitting around for ages. It was originally a -7 bolt on kind of deal with a built 2.6 in it. Just going to be used for fun weekend driving and looking purty. Ive been reading a bit on the newer turbo ranges that have come out but most of them are targeted at big power these days and the bolt on upgrade stuff is all gtx2860 cores on old turbine housings which don't seem to work that well. I came across the gbc22-350 mentioned in a thread on here but can't find much other info of any installed on an RB. Lots of them on miatas and smaller displacement stuff where people seem to be happy with them. From a compressor map point of view they look very similar to the -7 but don't fall over as much at higher boost pressures. https://www.garrettmotion.com/racing-and-performance/performance-catalog/turbo/garrett-boost-club-line-gbc22-350/ https://www.garrettmotion.com/racing-and-performance/performance-catalog/turbo/gt2860r/ Looks like it would need some new intake piping to fit on the 26 and plug up the water cooling pipes etc. Thoughts on this instead of -7s? Would be running a flex tune so potentially could push these harder on e85 than the -7s
  5. I just got off the phone to them. $1800 premium, $300 excess and 30k agreed value which is all pretty bad. Going to give Shannons a call back and see what they can do.
  6. keen for this if its still for sale
  7. Is this still for sale? $100 pick up?
  8. Mangs, Against my better judgement I have volunteered to do the 50km bike ride for MS Brissie to the Bay on the weekend. If you can spare anything please donate and help me get to my lofty $250 goal by this weekend and get those sweet sweet tax deductions just in time. https://msqldevents.com.au/champion/MS-Brissie-to-the-Bay-2015/ColinCox?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=btb15_fundraising_dashboard_05_f_r75_ro75_ru250_tc_tm&utm_content=btb15_fundraising_dashboard_05_f_r75_ro75_ru250_tc_tm+CID_905295c7c42c8be758ebbb108387904b&utm_source=elevate&utm_term=httpsmsqldeventscomauchampionMS-Brissie-to-the-Bay-2015URLfallback Cheers Colin
  9. Part it. You might get 7k for a wreck. More chance of getting decent coin out of it in parts...
  10. Mangs, so membership monies paid. who do i pester to get access to members forum etc?
  11. Will take z32s if you still have them. And do you have any 550cc+ injectors for a 26?
  12. Soooo...who takes membership money these days
  13. Got excused from voting because we're not back until tomorrow. I would have liked to vote, ahwell. Whats the verdict over there? Is Newman going to get shown the door?
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