I've never understood the EFI opinion tbh. Everyone I've spoken to is happy with the work and speaking to whitey before the Baskins meet and at the SAU dyno etc he comes across as a nice guy who knows what he's talking about. Vouches from Dan, Noel, Anna n Andy etc says a lot about the work they do.
I understand this and agree but I am in no position to critisise how anybody else drives on the road whether it is illegal etc since I have a pretty horrendous driving record. Although I can justify each situation n fine and will argue the point I was putting nobody in danger but myself it's still dangerous and it's still illegal.
As I said still dangerous n illegal but I couldn't care less if other people want to race down the M1. Their choice.
The main issue I had with all the EFI crew when they came to baskins is they didn't come over n introduce themselves or talk to anyone else bar their own little group. It annoyed me and I spose it goes both ways but still...
+1 for the dirty mexican lol
Fairly sure that's a stab at John and I. Leisurely drive through the mountains at 3am in the morning but still I won't defend it I know it's wrong but I won't stop doing it. Well after Sunday I will...for awhile
Nah definetely not defending us lol N don't give me the thumbs down you were there to!