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Everything posted by Beelzebub89

  1. lecture? Are you doing summer semester? Summer semesters are gay.
  2. Chapel hill tonight. Trying to get as much driving in as i can before my ban starts lol. edit - Put in my application for a unit on Gold Coast Highway. Like 10min walk from Cavill. $200pw hope I get it lol.
  3. garn get farked! the woo is gone. sold. No party His mum sold it because property values were dropping because it was sitting on the front lawn lol. Can't come to this first one as I will be incapacitated. UQ lake party this Friday Will come to the next one though as it will likely be the last meet I go to in my own car for awhile I'm out.
  4. well in a couple of weeks ill be on the coast always lol. Will try to get something going close to me so I can walk to the meet lol.
  5. epic win
  6. should get one of these going soon so I can attend the first one before my year long vacation from our roads lol. Will have to start a gold coast meet lol
  7. probably 30ish metres away when he came over the crest. the road is a big corner as well so I might have a case but I really don't have the time or the energy to fight it especially when the odds are against me. My driving record is pretty shit so I don't think it would change much. I'm over it now anyway. Will most likely be keeping the car and living on the Gold Coast. I'm actually pretty excited to be moving out n shit lol
  8. will be using spers but its not the cost of the fine that's the problem it's the cost of the loan on the car while the car isn't being used. I may as well sell it and be debt free for a year. Most likely I will be keeping the car though. Inspecting a place tomorrow that's $200pw like 10 min walk from work. See how we go.
  9. No point in me applying for another hardship order. It would get knocked back no doubt since I don't meet any of the criteria for it lol. Not gunna bother appealing anything just trying to find a place to move out to on the coast as soon as I can. No point in wasting time f**king around with courts may as well just get it over n done with. Every place I've enquired about so far has 1 or 2 applications pending so they're most likely gone. Josh find me a 1 bedroom unit on the Gold Coast. Needs to be walking/cycling distance to Cavill Ave.
  10. "If the 8 demerit points for this offence cause you to exceed your demerit point limit, this will result in another period of suspension for accumulation of points that is separate to the 6 month speeding suspension." That's from the little fact sheet that the cop gave me. You can get a Special Hardship Order for a speeding offense and loss of demerit points. Its different to a work license which is only available to drink driving offenders. I've had a SHO in the past 5 years so I can't apply for another one. God I hope not. I'm not scene enough.
  11. The 6 months doesn't bother me at all. I f**ked up I get a holiday from the roads for awhile. Just a matter of sorting everything out so its all sweet with work and uni etc. Yeah it will fly by lol. I can't apply for a work license because I've had one in the last 5 years so all the loopholes n shit are closed up. I've just got to take it on the chin.
  12. you get 6 months insta ban for being over 40km/h over the speed limit and 8 points. I only have 5 points left on my license so I will get a suspension for loss of demerit points as well. Pretty sure loss of demerit points is a 3 month suspension but it could be 6 months. so yeah... Not really. Got to look at the bright side I spose. I get to live on the Gold Coast for a year. The way things are going I might be able to keep it which would be sweet. Would probably be smarter to sell it and be debt free for awhile though.
  13. Overtaking a semi and 4 other cars going up the hill through Canungra. I was in the overtaking lane but as I got to the top the highway patrol car came over the crest and got me. 121km/h in a 70 zone. $933 fine and 8 points.
  14. Yeah its a worry. Found a place in surfers that's only $180pw and I spend close to that in fuel every week so I might be able to do it. Would be awesome if I can keep it lol. I know.
  15. License has been suspended for 6 months plus possibly another 3-6 after that. I might be able to keep the car but I have to move out down the gold coast. I probably can't afford to move out and pay off the car.
  16. So GTR is for sale. 94 model really clean you guys know what its like. $24k. Price is negotiable. Need it gone pretty quick.
  17. will reply whenever I f**king please mmckay! Will be there and will send Dave my order now lol. Spose it depends if your on 20ppp or 40ppp?
  18. alarm goes off at 5am every morning. then on sundays i normally wake up violently around 5:30 thinking im gunna be late for work then I realise its sunday and i can sleep in lol. I have no energy for work atm f**king hate this place.
  19. lol good call Zennon...bastard 26s...
  20. good job you didnt take my advice on that bet Martin. Ivey was knocked out in 7th. Final 2 is Darvin Moon(Redneck) and Joseph Cada. Cada has 135m in chips and Moon has 59m. I'm rooting for Cada. Could become the youngest player to win the Main Event and he seems pretty cool.
  21. I plan on taking as many people with me as possible so if she survives then you lot can fight over her. The GTR is coming with me to the afterlife. .....
  22. Tried it n didn't work. Who's this guy? Your post needs more introduction. +1 to that. Maybe it was a porno shoot? There is no such thing has hot cops. So cool story. I ran out of Post-it flag thingys that I'm using to mark all the relevant pages in my text book for my exam on Wednesday. I get through 1.5 chapters and run out of f**king Post-its. I went out to Woolies to see if they had any. No dice. Try Coles? No dice. Try Golden Casket? Only have faggotty stripey ones. No f**king dice. Try the other Golden Casket over the road. Hurray they have some standard red and orange ones. Take em to the till and she scans them. That will be $17.50. Excuse me? Thats $17.50. $17.f**kING50. So I pay because I need em but I can't help but feel dirty. I have just been raped by Post-its. I'm ready to go on a murder spree atm. Will probably end as a murder suicide but it will be worth it.
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