I read the OP and had a big speel planned out on why not to buy one, wait etc. Read through the thread and you f**kers have already said everything worth saying. But I'm going to do the speel anyway because everyone is entitled to my opinion.
OP don't buy a GTR just because you really really want one. Unfortunately the world doesn't work like that and it won't matter to the police officer or the person you crash into or the judge who's at your hearing. We've all been there, everyone thinks they are different and special. It won't happen to me I'm a good driver or I'll drive carefully. Your a 17 year old male you will do something stupid or show off to your mates it is inevitable.
It seems unfair now but believe me 3 years will fly by and the GTRs will still be there waiting to be driven. There are enough things to worry about coming out of school why would you add to the burden by having to worry about the cops every time you go for a drive. Not to mention the financial burden. (I'm assuming you're getting a loan) Take a step back and see it from everyone elses perspective. Believe me we have all been in your shoes. I got my license before they introduced all the new rules and I was able to get my car when I was 19. But insuring, rego, and general upkeep on the car is expensive. Not to mention the fuel. About 70-75% of my pay went to the car each week. I'd like to say I regret it and if I had the chance I would not of bought the car etc as it would give this more credibility. But I don't. I love my car and wouldn't have it any other way.(If the laws had changed I wouldn't of bought one though)
To answer the original question. Buy locally.