hi guys i am after r32 gtr aftermarket coilovers, i dont mind them being second hand but i got like a budgt at about $800 for a good second hand set so guys if anyone has a set out there just pm or just let me knwo what you got here, i found a set of excellent hks coilovers for 1k but i just want to look around and see if there is any better deals so guys show me what you got, must have no leaks/cracks/and very easy to adjust so i dont want them all seized up just lke my rearteins on my gtr, the rings wont even move on the rear so yer guys i want them really easy to adjust, must be height and damper adsjustable and im not after teins as i want to do alot of street and track work not driftiing, anyway guys hope to hear from yous soon
cheers tony