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  1. you say that the sub 67.5kg guy squatted 285kg. this would have still been entirely possible for you at that time. You say you had 235kg on the bar. an olympic size barbell weighs 20kg (not 7) making it 255kg add to that the fact you did TEN reps, your 1 rep max would be significantly higher not to mention he was probably equipped (squat suit wraps etc) and your 1 rep max would have been huge. sure that guy was in a lighter weight class but your missing the point entirely, they specifically train the 3 lifts, whereas you sound as if you are just the regular gym goer, therefore your potential would have been even bigger. im not saying you would have broken a record but your claim suggests you would still have been one of the strongest in the country.
  2. look the reason i have trouble believing you is this: http://www.capopowerlifting.com.au/index.p...&Itemid=174 i assume ^ thats the country records and even if it isnt its still a good guideline you stated that at 84kg you lifted 235kg squat for 10 easy reps. The record holder is 235kg for one rep at 90kg weight limit. You would have had the strongest squat in the country at that weight by a fkn mile. so yes i do find it hard to believe. I think perhaps the key to this may be the depth you were squatting, i know ppl can 1/4 squat an absolute fk load in comparison to there normal squat. also i hope we are talking about real squatting not some machine shit. look dont get me wrong I would love for you to prove me wrong but being one of the strongest squatters in the country without knowing it still a tough cookie to swallow. But if you did do it then get out there and compete cause you'd be a fking beast
  3. + 1 theres some hilarious sh!t in this thread but this takes the cake
  4. hey guys noob question is there any way to view the for sale thread for only adelaide cars? its just annoying having to sift through alot of cars to find the one in ur area cheers
  5. do clublocks really work? i know they would be a goob visual deterrent but i had one and it seemed weak as sh!t, i assumed you could just bend it off also why is it do you think there is so many cars that are getting stolen? is it just not that hard to steal a car or something? do u just shove a flat head screwdriver in the ignition then ur off??? or does everyone from the dareo suburbs get taught to steal cars when their young or something
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