Hey boys & girls,
Went to see Avatar last night, which I must say is the movie of the year, by far and without a doubt. If you haven't seen it, don't do yourself the disservice of missing it in the cinemas. And if you can get decent seats (back<->middle of cinema) then I definitely recommend the 3D version. Saw both and the 3D one really grows on you about 15-20 mins into the movie. You see it in regular form and it's a little meh after that.
Anyway, come back to my baby @ 11:30pm when it finished and lo & behold, my driver's side window is no more, plus my defi gauge is gone:
Luckily they didn't get the boost controller (drilled into the leg well), and I don't leave anything of value in the car [couldn't even get my cd player lolz]. They hit about 5-10 cars apparently, couple of Subarus, saw a new Golf had been broken into, my 33 and a guy's 34, when I called the police they said at least 5 others had been reported so yeah big downer on that one.
Annnnyway! So I'm in the market for a driver's side window and a boost gauge to replace the stolen one, preferably of the same type since I still have the defi control unit. Ebay seems best for the gauge unless anyone knows a better source, but as for the window, could I get a couple of suggestions. Osbourne park is closest to me, however I'm willing to drive wherever I need to for a good deal and quality workmanship. Latest thread on the issue seemed to be here, but dunno if there are better suggestions that might've been missed out. Oh and yes I realize it'll be January before I get it replaced, but I'd like to start budgeting for it etc, so I'd appreciate all suggestions [first hand experience preferred]
Oh and to the poor guy with the white 34, your car is smexy and I hope it worked out for you last night [they took his turbotimer or something and it messed up his ignition]. Don't let it get you down, christmas is to be enjoyed with friends/family so just press forth and enjoy Merry christmas all!