I just recently bought HKS SSQV BOV 2nd hand off this forum (the series 1, im assuming as its got the bolt at the back) and installed it today, taking the stock BOV out.
The issues im having are:
- Turbo response, is way SHITTIER
- Stock BOV held up to 11.5 and stayed in the 11's stably till near redline it dropped down to 10.1...BUT after putting the HKS BOV in the boost is very unstable and jumps around 11-10.7psi then drops to 9.8psi and feels like the cars having major "flat spots".
I need ppl's opinions on how well these HKS SSQV BOV hold boost compared to the stock and need some suggestions on what could be causing this unstable boost level at peak i.e. hoses not clamped on well? the hose i used for BOV is TOO LONG? lol!
any suggestions please