Here's a couple of old pics of my GTR. Has changed a fair bit since these pic's i will post up new one's soon but these will do for now.
Also getting some new rims in a month (work emotions)
Its good to see an aussie company having a chance to show everyone what we can do. I honestly cant think of another tuner in Oz that deserves the chance to show the world more than croydon.
Look forward to seeing what they can do.
When i got my alarm fitted i had the factory skyline central locking (put key in turn it and both doors lock) when i fitted my alarm they just wired the remote lock into the existing set up.
18x14inch rims???? Ya would have to go through an engineer to get that car up to road worthy spec. And where the hell would ya get rubber that size from
Thats a great effort for a "laugh". Would be awesome to see what this would of been able to do if you guys actually were being "serious" with it.... Either way its Tip Top
Jeff you've definately got some talent. Maybe i should pay you guys a visit to get my car tuned.
Sweet ride darren, ya actually bought this off my mate and ya got a pretty good deal. the car has never been thrashed (he drives like an old lady) But congrats on the new toy.