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Everything posted by SN1P3R

  1. Dont worry, if i catch them, They will have smashed in teeth, broken limps, a burnt house, and if they have a car, i will burn it with them in it! and i will enjoy there scream's for help!!! I cant belive it, just come back from my painters house, Its going to be IMPOSSIBLE to touch up, coz of the red pearl and flake... i hate this so much coz its 3 weeks untill Autosalon, and 3 days since i just got the car back, and this is the 1st night ive actualy been back to balga to stay the night!!! These people are low, and i hope they get cancer and die!
  2. Just come back from the police station... Some actualy had tried to break into the car, we got there finger prints... guess all we gotta do now is play the waiting game... i doubt anyone will be cawt... i still cant belive this has happened
  3. Yeah you heard right, not even 3 days after getting my car back fromt paint, IT GETS KEYED!!! All down the drivers side, so oviously there after my attention. This happened last night in between the hours of 2am and 10am.i was awake all the way up untill 2am and woke up again at 10am annd went outside to check on my car at 10am, and there is was, key marks all down the right hand side. Well the nextours i balled my eyes out.. im so not happy! and i cant belive some one would do this! IM NOT MADE OF FRIKKEN MONEY!!! I live At my Boyfriends in Balga, and ive never EVER had a problem up untill now... If any one has heard, or seen of anything please pm me. I want to break the C**ts fingers and burn his house!!!!! This person will be a saint after im done with them! Here are the picks.
  4. Hahahaha so that was you, was hoping you boys would come into ellenbrook so i could warm up my tyres sum more, LOL i like your low lux... LOL was shweeeeet! Thanks every1 for posting up about this car, Im glad you like it!!! i love it, i love it that much... I LICKED IT!!! Hehehe! Yes Erin, ino you want to hump it! LOL Guess what... ive already humped it! LOL HAHAHA
  5. Dude u got no idea, I ive in chitttering, i got spear throwing natives and i gotta dodge 20 kangaroo's before i even get onto the hwy I will keep this guy in mind thou, i need a new mech!
  6. Thankyou! i love it! its so sweet!!!! its s SN1P3R now Hhahaha Oh and here is a pick of the rear, Teh r34 u see int he pick has the same body kit as the one tht is on my car!
  8. My friends fitted it for me!!! They did a sweet job! Well yesterday at 11am my car was sent off or paint!!! the colour was amazing! and the pink flake looked like fairy dust!!! hahahaha!!! Ill post the new picks up on sunday!!!! LOL Yes ino P plates are a rare thing to see on my car Now i got Green ones aahahahaha
  9. Will be out with Mel, Erin In a gunmetal grey r32 GTR Yeeeeeharrrr... LOL GTR love!!!
  10. yes the custom install sounds really.... pappery.... HAHAHA. Yes im so excited, 1 more sleep till paint!, And yes Teejay, the bottom picture is the new bumber
  11. Hey Hey people's, As some of you all know, ive been hell busy on the 33, and i wanted to show every1 whats been happening! coz im really excited about whats been done, and whats about to happen!!! so i thawt ide share it Hahaha!!! As some of you's can remeber, there wasnt a straight panel on my R33, and the front bar was all mashed up and falling off, and it was about 100 shades of white! and also that it had many engine problems, and the car has never ran right! well, its all changed now!!!! LOL Man im so excited! HAHAHA Well the engine got a rebuild about 3 months ago, and the coil packs replaced, the intercoola replaced, New bov, some shiney cool pipes, and a new clutch! As for the body, all dents were bashed out and putty'd over, while that was all happening, i ordered my new BOMEX r34 to suit r33body kit, which has just been put on, and its looks like sex now!!! Haha And now for he really sik part! I GET PAINTED ON THURSDAY!!! Metallic black with pink flake! Ino this sounds boring,and your proberly not interested but, i was that excited i just wanted to show everyone the change from all dented up and not running well, to how it is now Here are some " in progress pictures " and some before and after pics. I pick my car up on sunday from paint, and ill take some more pictures of it with the new paint! Hehehe, so happy with this! Hehe <--- My cutsom boot install LOL
  12. Nah i dont i was thinking, oh ill just lower the car, but then my bill for paint came in I dunno my 17's are in imac condition, no curb rash or anything, i just dont think they'll do the car justice on the day... thats why ive opted for 18's, atleast there a bit bigger... lol...
  13. OMG!!! i didnt even get my induction! and i didnt even get my company supplied fluro jacket and saftey glasses
  14. Make that a cheeseburger and a beer and youve got your self a deal
  15. u got acouple of acres of dirt u might be able to con a couple of peoples to come up and make a track with you HAHAHA
  16. Dudes i just brought pink ones off of ebay, there so choice they make me warm and fuzy inside HAHAHA. So Rhys you going to help me put mine in
  17. haha yeahill get back to wogan on ur rims thanks so much
  18. no love???
  19. SN1P3R


    lets catch them, and contain them in a lil cage , break a couple of fingers, and call the cops! That sucks, i used to live in Attwel, i live with my Bf in Balga, Dude i leave my car unlocked al the time, No probs up here, and apparently this is a bad area, Hate them lil shits, was in a childrens court today, sum lill 13yr old, off his face, in court for steeling shit, WTF happend to society?
  20. 5 spokeor anything i can get my hand on... hoony i will give ya a call hehe
  21. Hey Boys and Gurlies I need some help, Im getting all painted, and kitted up for autosalon, But unfortuantly im going to be running low of money after all of that is done... i have lil 17's that i think are abig let down to the nice bodywork im getting done, and no where near enuf money to be able to buy a set of rims. So i was wondering, would i possibley be able to borrow some nice person's 18's or 19's just for the show... The rims wont be driven on because te car is getting trucked to the venue, so no stress about curb rash or burnouts, wich i wouldnt do anyways... I'll even say pritty pritty please, and buy you half a carton of watever... oh and lots of huggs haha my number is 0424933728 and im Kels, if any1 could help me out, i would much appreciate it! Thanks heaps!!! Xo. Kels
  22. rebuild time, thats what mine did when it 1st cropped 5th cylindar, 2nd chewed bottom bearings. BUT it could be alot of other things that may be causing it, i sent you a pm... i hope you car get better soon!
  23. People im writing up a cruise for a friend, sorry if its late but oh well!!! LOL 8pm city west carpark, another open car cruise again! Not tools, No prangs, No cops! Its going to be raining so bring a rain coat, and PLEASE be carefull on the roads! Thanks Kels
  24. He will either make it or order it it. you should go down there!
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