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Slow S13

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    Super motard hoon mobile
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  1. thats shit!
  2. This whole place seems really dormant lately?
  3. Sorry, had to run to the shops. Got Milk..
  4. March post
  5. Stay safe fellas, Feel for you guys. Just remember, Cars and bikes can be replaced. You can't
  6. gts-033 on east west arterial about 6.45. was on the bike beside you
  7. Happy new years RB luvas!
  8. I can not understand why anyone still goes to Boostcruising, Apart from the clasifieds (And they are to be taken with a grain of salt) the place is just rubbish. Every time i read something from there I feel dumber having done so! Boostcruising....Creating retards since 2001
  9. If they can steal a R35, They can steal anything. They couldn't steal my R35 (if i had one) as i would be constantly undressing it with my eyes
  10. Whored
  11. Oprah...Wikileaks.....Moving forward
  12. Holy snappin duck shit Batman! Whats goin on here, This place looks whack!
  13. yesterday was the 2nd fool
  14. Now come on y'all, This tread was not maid to sit dormant for 20 lonesome days! SHAME!!!!
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