********** PRICE DROP ********** take them this holiday long weekend 900 and they are yours lowest im going!
Yokohama 18x9 AVS: Rim's for sale had them for about two weeks on my GTR i got them because i was told that my old rims were un repairable after i hit a gutter but now i found someone who can fix them and they are curently getting fixed so i have no need for these rims not sure of the off set but fits skylines silvias etc very nice looking rim dont have actuall pics but they are in pretty good condition and have small gutter rash on the spoke of one of the rims other than that
in excelent cond not the actuall pic because cant up load them but you can get the idea of what they look like... Rear tyres are 265 with ok tread on them front needs replacing and are 255 give me a call dont pm me cuz i wont read it..
Looking for around $1,200 but am opend to offers very hard to find the 18x9 all round thanxs
Simon : 0430499633