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    A31 Cefiro
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  1. yea all thats sweet found some vaccume lines that were unhooked, they go from the throttle body to up by the passangers side headlight a fuel purge thing or something???? it has helped it alot just got dead spot under load so will take it to get tuned up. does anyone know what the fuel purge thingy is and wat it does?
  2. yea checked them all and they are all tight as and when you lift your foot it gets a little burst of power but u cant controll it
  3. yea its all connected and tight just thinkin maybe knock controller or maybe the computer is in limp mode. does anyone know how to get it out of limp mode?
  4. hey guys just put an RB20det back into the my ceff on the weekend and fineally fixed all little problems with it and fineally took it for a drive...... it drives fine untill it comes on boost and then nothing, you dont go anywhere quick, there is no detonation all plugs and coils are good but there is no power but when u just lift your foot to slow down or change gear it seems to have a little bit of a boost but just for a split seccond you cant controll it. has anyone got any idea's? im thinkin it might be the computer and am unsure how to fix it please help
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