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Everything posted by bezender

  1. yep, the top of my head copped a bit of sun... had a fair bit of interest in the rolla. she might be gone pretty soon
  2. has a 4k with T28 - anything over $1.2k . check the rolla club linky
  3. reckon im gonna put the rolla up for sale... i dont have time/effort for it edit : http://www.rollaclub.com/board/index.php?showtopic=39045
  4. also... i invested quite a bit of time looking at this site thismorning... i think you should too http://cantbeunseen.com/
  5. to make up for the repost
  6. http://www.honda-tech.com/showthread.php?t=2726800
  7. check this stereogram (magic eye)
  8. yeah, im off to get it sorted now... hope they dont cut me too much, or i'll never be a foot model
  9. hahaha damo that is gold about a fortnight ago, i stepped on some glass in my back yard.. seemed like it healed up ok, but it fkn cains again.... im pretty sure there is still tiny shards of glass in there. /ouch
  10. deal roulette? i thought u threw a ball bearing also
  11. hit the youtube thread for a lol
  12. ****mods pls delete if inappropriate****
  13. sau sticker AND no front bar!! there is a double defect waiting to happen
  14. quick, tell me what you know... and when im well off i'll pay for your stay in the old folks home
  15. ouch! glad it didnt take ur foot off when it shat itself
  16. hahahahahaah taht is gold damo
  17. rofl, it does too... to be honest, i had to look at it for a sec to make it all out
  18. well that is pretty much what they offered me
  19. win!!!! cheers abe, you are a gentleman and a scholar
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