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Everything posted by bezender

  1. welcome matt! i'll have to tell my mate that the stag that he was looking to buy has been bought nice purchace
  2. im trying to talk my mum into buying it to replace her honda CRV
  3. my housemates dog scratched my car he is so bored (choc lab). we all play with him and walk him etc, but he still needs moar. he tore apart a thing that had a massive piece of wire in it and it has whipped against the passenger side of the car *sigh*
  4. autralians are fkn awesome... this is a prime example. "the rock incident" at bathurst in 1980. im still blown away by the outreach from the public after this happened end sentimental patriotic rant
  5. i'll go no usernames on my jumper and hoodie. should start a new hoodie thread to whore on about the hoodies... i like to whore. this is me at work
  6. yep, then they will call their ISP and blame them for breaking the internet. onoz... i googled the word google
  7. drying your car is the most important part i have found... especially as i have a black car. a good chamois and a microfibre cloth is what i use to get mine dry (i move it into the shed once i have washed her so the water does not evaporate)
  8. looks like this is a bring your daily meet
  9. dont worry craig, i recently owned up to dave that it only twigged to me recently what it meant. only once i said it did it dawn on me
  10. spotted a silver stag on Brighton road heading north near the mobil at about7 am. had a White sticker on the rear window... couldn't make out what it said. I was walking on the median strip wearing my SAU hoodie
  11. http://my350z.com/forum/lounge-off-topic/3...50z-ruined.html no need for comment...
  12. it has a worked 2J in it... epic cojones
  13. i know ur not meant to park closer than 1.4 or 1.7 meters from a driveway (on the same side of the road) far as i know common sense should prevail when u park your car across the road from a drivewya, sounds like your neighbor may be a few sandwiches short of a picnic
  14. noble's are nuts, TT 3 litre 6cyl that pulls 260rwkw and weighs a bees wedding tackle over a ton
  15. dude, im in the origional FC from wayback in '97 REPRESENT
  16. awesome, i'll put a few up on photobucket tonight n PM u the links cheers
  17. on that topic, i have to get my flux capaciter fixed... i cant travel time atm
  18. hey steve if u have the time (and patience), could i swing u a few pics of my car so u could knock me up a better sig?
  19. im glad im not the only one who has nfi who that is
  20. happy b'day! may your days be merry, and your kitchen appliances last after the warranty is up
  21. PM sent btw i used to work at brighton foodies FOODIES FTMFW
  22. yeah, i just consider everyone else on the road is a tard. hope ur aches n pains arent too bad when u wake up in the morning. on the plus side...... u guise have a new project
  23. i kinda like my hicas (altho it is a bit fkt) can flick the car around. im gonna have to get rid of it cos its had it, would love to know what the price is to get it engineered. keep us updated on how u go Jason
  24. +1 hope u guise are all ok i dont really trust anyone on the roads, fkt if i sit any closer than 3 car lengths behind ppl. been a passenger in similar situation, with a mate who is a hero that can drive close to ppl
  25. spotted another black 32 with chromies and a few crew in it on brighton road heading at about 7:30, i gave it a "bit" of a squirt. looks clean if ur on here
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