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Everything posted by DIOR 33

  1. if any one has any good ideas on how to make this cruise good/funny please PM nene
  2. ok yes its 2 months away but when we organise something we want it done right so if someone has organised food to feed ????? because only 6 people have replied then you do it. Nene and i have invested time and a fair bit of money already so if people can stop being so blaze about this and get your order form from us this thing will go smothley. After all, its all of you that said you wanted this christmas party a while ago so nene and i have done it so show us that your not all just key board warriors and want to be part of something and then maybe we can get a SA club going
  3. is 25
  4. please just talk about if you are coming or not guys thanx
  5. yeah that was at marks for a while
  6. how funny what loosers
  7. We need everyone thats coming to pm Nene with how many with be with you as we are providing lunch for you all please this is important
  9. that was me i was going to my second home ben and nene's house
  10. lol yeah it would have taken you ages lol
  11. PM SENT you can get drunk just dont be crappy for the cruise lol
  12. sorry i didnt say good bye to you boys when we got to roo's i thought you were coming in
  13. Hi everyone well Nene and I have a special cruise for Damo on the 6th of Oct starting at 10am. Nene and i have some special things that will happen through out the day for him and everyone so this cruise should be alot of fun We need everyone thats coming to pm Nene for the meet spot and how many with be with you as we are providing lunch for you all, also children are most welcome locky will be there so bring your kids and anyone who has a football or something like that bring it along. we also ask you decorate your car in the birthday theme if thats ok We will also have the biker boys coming along with us there will be about 10-20 bikes so this cruise will require that everyone driving to be aware that you will have bikes around you at all time's and we dont want any of them being knocked off as most of them are Nene and my friends. The same rules apply to this cruise as all the Princess Kellie cruises with no exceptions as we will heading to Victor. BURNOUTS, DRIFTING, LOUD STUPID SHIT IN AND AROUND THE SUBURBS YOUR PLATE WILL BE TAKEN AND HANDED TO THE LOCAL POLICE AND A FEW WORDS FROM ME THEN YOU WILL BE BANNED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! Thanx kellie & Nene
  14. sorry to hear dave last night ruby took me out on his bike we were following ben and nene in the stag and nathan in the 32 and some guy in a purple turbo sigma cut us off, he was so close we could of touched the car, we had to swerve to get out of the way what an idiot i think i made roo deaf in his left ear from screaming
  15. nene i love you i replied to kat log on and have a look at my sent stuff i watched princess diary's 1
  16. ill be there dont worry damo and chad
  17. good night boys and girls love you all
  18. you mr, are a funny boy
  19. lol boys it was fifty dollars so what we have to pay a bit more to get a great product im a single mummy and i dont care we are lucky to even get the blank ones anyway so you just need to pay for the embrodery so what now be good boys and pay madaz x
  20. princess diary's is finished
  21. im watching princess diarys lol
  22. thanx to the 4 people that actually want to go to this party, that nene and i have invested alot of time in already
  23. awsome i want mine done and nene and i want tonk tops to steve we will get the tops and give them to you maybe this friday at dinner to send with the blank hoodies
  24. pokie you should start a my pregancy thread and we can see how your going with it all
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