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Everything posted by DIOR 33

  1. i cant belive i forgot this happened to me ages ago and i changed the fule filter but put a bigger one in ryco 401 i think is the part number and when i took my old one off it had this black shit and it was i bit thick to so chech that hun befor you fork out for a new fuel pump
  2. Well thought this should be up now as there is always something to chat about from cruises we have been on. so feel free to post pics videos and other random crap or really cool stuff about the cruise you have been on
  3. im starting a new topic see sa front page
  4. it didnt hurt i was sitting there with my eyes closed relaxed as lol but everytime i go and get one i get all funny like is this one going to hurt lol
  5. haha i do to but i need a man we should host a d&d cruise for sau ppl lol (what i wrote i wouldnt actualy do)
  6. on a happier note my new tattoo got it today looks so hot now my phone takes shit photos but here you go
  7. yeah i konw but its not just my cruises is all the topics on here
  8. hey babe how much boost are you running? and is it happening under load
  9. yes i know jenkies will be coming i got a pleed from him on myspace lol he's funny Ill have one with dinner and thats it
  10. thanx honey im glad somone agrees with me
  11. lol how funny i wont have anybody turn up if it was mandatory to kiss me
  12. im so over people on here that all they do is log on type crap and say this and that and never come to cruises or dinners or any social event organised by sau members. who knows if they even have a skyline/jap car i mean i dont mind the people that love skylines and come on for a chat or come take photos and admire but the people that write crap are anoying me.
  13. here you go cruzin33 funny boys
  14. hi everyone refer to round 3 topic and i would really like to say thanx to all of you that love coming on my cruises and ecpecially all of you that came last night that was really good i wish i could give you all a kiss but i cant so ill give you all
  15. Hello boys and girls Round 3 will start on Saturday night the 24th May at the Halfway Hotel at 6pm for dinner to meet and greet (optional) please let me know by wednesday at the latest for dinner as i will need to book for us. Then we will head over to the meet spot at 8pm, at the same place as last week with the same maps so for all of you that dont want to come for tea or cant we will see you there. So i hope to see some new faces this week and all the regular people as well.
  16. so what if im saying i do ill kiss anyone to make them stop fighting
  17. yeah im down for that
  18. lets just hug and make up we are all on the same side of the fence
  19. oh i forgot about steves thing i will need to speak to him
  20. Craig with the R34 GTR V-SPEC NUR 2 is a very good mate of mine and his car is SEX on WHEELS i luv you all and next friday night i have been convinced to do another cruise by jenkies so im thinking have the cruise start at 8pm same meet point and map as last night cause i like that one and some of you have maps still and have a dinner at 6pm (optional) at the hotel on port rd cant think what its called steve pete and i went there one night anyway then we can cruise over to the meet point so please let me know who is interested as i will need to book for dinner
  21. not only did i grow a big white growth but it now has big round eyes aaaahhhhh (runs away and hides)
  22. pheebz and i took one pic lol
  23. hi everyone i think this is a great idea and this topic belongs one the first page not the second page, I would love to take my car on the track but hicas is a bit of a problem atm so until i get a lock bar and cash to do it ill just come and support you boys oh andy this is my nice self less thing for someone else x x
  24. well my kit is the GTR front which is fiberglass and fitts so well cant even tell, rear pods genuine so plastic, 400R sides genuine so plastic as well thanx gtrkite i like mine to and the 40th anniversary is the same as a M-Spec just has embrodary on the seats and a gay badge on the side near the window saying 40th anniversary soooo nothing special no more than mine
  25. hey guys thanx for the turn out even tho the weather was shit and we enjoyed the chatting at vills sorry andy again for almost making your GTR a 8 wheeler lol
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