do you want me to forward you the pm i got for the instal instructions you will still need to get a lock bar to lock the hicas.
you use this kit so you can keep the orginal pump and remove the whole hicas system saving about 15kgs of weight
Not the blocking kit you use it to block off the line at the pump and remove the fins inside the pume at the back so they dont pump the oil and burn it its at home its some brass o rings a few rubber grommets and pipe to block the bolt
Item: r32 s13 Hicas line removal kit
Price:15 posted
To Fit: r32 s13
Contact: Pm or 0438804282
Comments: Was going to use this but got given a 2ws pump
It shouldnt cost that much go to a diferent workshop try creatd, race pace or rev zone also hpf in dandy 800 is a bit rich should be around the 300 mark
It shouldnt do any damage just drive like a pig
From what i have read and understood is that the standard 12v turns the relay on so the constant 12v from the battery flows to the pump.
Also i had an amp in my boot at on stage and the wires are still there just not hooked up to the battery could i use that wire i carnt remember what gage it is but is pretty big.