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Everything posted by dk_fabiosantos

  1. Money sent for the rear fuse box!!!!! Hope to get it asp please! Thanks!
  2. As the title says, I need the r33 rear fuse box (fuse box for fuel pump,main fuse,ect). I need it to be shipped to Toronto,Canada. I have one pic of what I really need, I need it to finish my 7 months r32/r33 project so please any help will be very aprecciated. Thanks you very much. ps:send me pics to fabio_23_1979ca@hotmail.com
  3. Ok I found where it's located it has 2 fuses one engine bay and another boot, so can anyone tell me what color is the wiring going to the headlights fuse in the boot?or can someone take as much pic as you can and let me see the fuse box in the boot?(I have a r32 and no boot fuse box). Thanks guys
  4. If it is in the boot can you tell me please the wiring color for it?Cause I have no fuse box in my boot(I have a r32 with all front r33 wiring harness so wiring color pin is ok for me even if it is in the boot!) Thanks
  5. Yes guys as the title says, I would like to know where is the fuse for headlights and pw windows and pw lockers! Those are for now the things that I can't find out on my car! Is that on the dashboard fuse box, boot fuse box or engine bay fuse box?Where is that located? Thanks
  6. Sorry man but the bottow pic can't be for abs cause they came from the white plug from the top ppic(I'm holding this plug on that pic), but I'll take more pics tomorrow! Thanks for the help!
  7. Ya man for sure!I'll post the pics of it assemble but not in place cause it's really a pain in the a$$ to do man! So I'll do that asp!
  8. I did the opposit of it, I've disconnected the abs and my car never came with airbag so I can take some pics of the abs wirings and tell you more or less where they go. I've disconnected my abs from the fuse box (2 red wirings: one is all red and the other red/blue connected to a fuse), they go from the engine bay fuse box to a gray connector on the passanger side (near the pw sterring reserviol), then from the connector the abs actuator and I can't remember everything right so I'll try to post about it tomorrow asp, anyway at least you'll be able to connect everything (you'll be able untill the middle of the car,cause I had my front clip cutted right there in the middle!), I hope it is going to help you in some way!
  9. This is what I found: fuel pump from cluster: level- light= gray/red low fuel light= light green silver pin reverse light= red silver pin (coming from trans. sensor) turn signals= right side=green/yellow (hazzard is connect to this one too) left side= green black air regulator= blue silver pin (from air regulator located at the intake manifold and it is going to pin 5 on fuel pump relay.) brake lights= pink/blue & yellow silver pin (coming from brake pedal sensor) door's sensors= red silver pin (coming from black box "smart entrance". There is the abs wiring harness on left side (pass. side) that I've disconnect all of them (one is ignition earth that I have found exactly for what is that.anyone know it?) I don't remember the hicas right now but I'll post the wiring pin soon.
  10. This is it!Let me know please!
  11. Not yet!I still need it but most interior I found the hard way like: room lights are the wirings on the driver's side on the right top with a white connector with orange/blue (2 wirings) and one going to the back the same color orange/blue, I'll post the wiring pinouts soon with some pics.Right now I'm trying to find the power for the locks(I can't lock or unlock the dorrs and move the windows up and down too.) What you need to know? I probablly know it. And if you find it let me know please cause I have to find a lot of things still! Thanks!
  12. I found that I have one white plug with 5 or 6 wirings comig form it and going >?< I'll post pics tomorrow asp, the wirings splice in 3 gray gray thicker wiring and go to the back >?< so what are they for? Thanks guys!
  13. It's easy if you have the tools and know what you are doing, it takes more than anyone is going to tell you here on the forum but is not that hard, start using the r32 complete wiring harness only changing the 4th and 6th injectors pins (rb25 igniton is different.), use r32 ecu, you need to use the r33 yoke (it is the begining of the driveshaft that connects into the tranny), the transmission mounts must to be changed (the r33 tranny seats a little farther than the r32, you'll need to custom your cluster if you are going to use the r33 tranny (r33 reads the speed digitally and r32 use a cable from tranny to the back of your cluster.). If you don't mind for timing and you want the r33 front end too it's going to take really a lot of work!(I'm doing right now this conversion, r32 with r33 front end and complete front end wiring harness with the rb25 motor....lol it is really been a lot of things to do.) gl with your swap.
  14. I would like to buy that fuse box located into the trunk, I'll be glad if I can get it with the wiring connectors too! Thanks this is a pic of what I need:
  15. I'm about to finish the interior lights and some more things like sunroof and more... so as soon as I finish it I won't mind to post pics and specs here! But if some one can take a copy from the fsm book and post here I'll be really happy.
  16. yes I have reading almoust everything and looked in a lot of fsm and I couldn't find it! It's not for radio it is to make everything to work, I got a r33 front clip and I've installed and customed a lot of thing so I need to know these things to finish my project!
  17. Hi guys I need a r33 interior wiring harness diagram can someone help on this one? If not this is the wirings that I need to find the colors code: door's sensors=driver and passanger side? sunroof ( the connector is on the driver's side up in the right corner but I don't know the wiring colors=? interior lights=? seat belts (driver and passangers f&r)=? taillights brake signal=? hazards=? reverse lights=? Just tell me the wiring's color for one of the things mentioned will be really good for me to try to finish my project! Thanks for any help!
  18. If you have a rb20 or rb25 na they have high compression pistons if I'm not wrong.
  19. I have done compression test on my rb25 and the numbers were 180psi,190psi,180psi,180psi,180psi,190psi, I was surprise with the #, then I went to check the fsm and the fsm says factory is 185 maximum and 150psi is minimum for the motor to be good and a difference (I don't remeber exactly right now) but I think was 15psi between them, so I was really surprised and I've checked to see if I had a rb25de turned to rb25det and my motor is for sure a rb25det not tuned to be a (t) so I went to check my cams and apparently they have been changed (new gasket all around the valve covers,I have to open to see what cams do I have still), so I think the best you to do is, do the compression again this time make sure if you have the battery fully charged no spark no fuel and wide open throttle, turn the ignition for about 5 to 7 seconds and make sure your tester is ok too. This is what I have done, I'm not 100% sure about rb26 but that is what the fsm says to do for my rb25det. I hope your motor is ok man! gl!
  20. Sorry guys for missing infos, it is a r33 dashboard wiring harness, the car is manual and I have 1 green, 1 black, 1 blue, 1 orange. I have the green,black,blue close to the dashboard fuse box and the orange on passanger side close to the ecu. I would like to know them cause a lot of wiring is going to finish at these connectors and I have discovered that most of wiring that is coming (or going) to the trunk ends (or start) at these connectors that is a dead end (or start) for the wirings. I have disconnected the abs actuator and followed the wirings from ecu to the middle of my car. ( I have the wirings cutted at the front seats because of the wiring harness came from a 95 r33 front clip.) And because I have a 90 r32gtst and my wirings form the seats back are r32 I'm having problems to find the wirings for: tailights,reverse lights, trunk lights, fuel pump, fpcm, interior lights, sunroof, seats, rear wiper, rear de-fogge, so any info about the wiring color codes that is coming from the front to the trunk will be really aprecciated. I have found the rl/rr speakers, pw antena, ill., so anyhelp will be really welcome. ps:I'll post pics of my r33/r32 (front end,motor and dashboard wiring harness)swap asp.
  21. Can someone tell me if these are the diag. connectors?If they are not the diag. what are they for?Cause I'mdoing the wiring in my car and a lot of wirings finish at these connectors. Thanks and there is a brown one too on passanger side.
  22. So basically you have no fpcm right?You only have a pin 104 coming from the dashboard fuel box to the relay and from the realy to the (-) and battery(+)?Cause on r32gts the fpcm is wiring connect to fuel pump too. Thanks for the infos!
  23. I'm happy that you have your car running man, I have some question for you: In your mspaint sketch you have 4 wirings but on your fuel pump relay real pic I see 5 wirings, so can you tell me where they coming from? color--strip black/pink? blue/black? blue silver pin? blue/white? blue? and what about the fpcm?Have you found it?Can you tell the wirings for that? I really aprecciate if you can tell me it, cause I'm about to finish my project just missing the fuel wiring to run the car as I have all the wiring cutted right before the driver's seat so any info in wirings going from the driver's seat back to the trunk will make me happy! Thank you very much!
  24. Here is some pics of: my wiring work: fuel pump relay: fpcm location: fpcm sensor box:
  25. See, the problem is this: I have a r32 not r33 but all my wiring harness from the engine bay to the rear passangers seats are r33 so I need to connect the wirings to make my car to run(most I need is the fuel pump as I don't have hicas nomore), but I can tell you that the fpcm on r32 gtst is a little box behind the sidewall into the trunk, I'll take some pics today asp then you'll see it better. I need to see all the wirings into the trunk as We don't have r33 in Canada for now so it's taking me a lifetime to finish my project! My front clip the day I got it: My r32 with r33: motor, wiring harness and front end(still in process). ps:I really aprecciate if you can send me pics of the trunk wiring harness, please!Thanks
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