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Everything posted by geraus

  1. ok got my metal alliumium sheets! wot tool can i use to cut this now? i woulnt have a clue!
  2. Ok i will be going there today! cant wait.
  3. Oh ok man its so good, im still confused and im deciding which way i want to do it, I want to do yours i think! it looks so mad and professional!... I'l try it and tell you guys the outcome.. Thanks so much man! sorry 1 last question which is confusing.. me.. The bunnings warehouse part... So do i go in there and ask for metal? i duno which metal? theres heaps.. ithnk?
  4. What about the greddy profec spec B II ? is that better than the turbo tech ? I just want to up my boost to about 10-11psi on my stock turbo. my engine is a Rb25..
  5. Wheres the DIY i cant find it? sorry dumb question but yeh...Is it the link on top?
  6. Dam thats pretty tough might give this a try! Could this also hid my boost controller solenoid? Do you guys reckon cops would bother going through it or na! dam i cant wait to do it! Does it actually make a diffrence from the heat?
  7. geraus

    Spotted Thread

    Hmm saw a nide r33 gtst white one in broady shell next to the fwy & a nice R34 jet black one on lygon st his plates were JET34 or sumfin... it was pretty nice man..
  8. Thank you for your help! I got the bar now! very good customer service
  9. Your vacum plugs on your BOV? check that? could be the problem...
  10. Yeh the latest HPi has mainly how to get your skylines doing 11's! pretty good read. I was reading it all night. Geting slicks for your ride would be good to!!
  11. Dam engines are clean!
  12. Problems = Money! My freind has one... Gearbox problems had to reco his! cost him 2k over...
  13. Here is the pipe. i circled it in red.
  14. hey im intrusted in the pipe that silicon one the black one.. is that the one that connects to your AFM with your pod? i'l take that of u if u can...
  15. Yep! unfornatlay there slow! but prices r not bad... took 2months to get my clear smoked indicators!
  16. going!! i cant waitttttttttttttt gona rock ittttttttttt!!!
  17. hey buddy intrested in the HID kit.. 6000k alot of blue? or 8000k even more blue?
  18. Have you got the left hand side headlight? if so PM me.
  19. hey guys i passed! 87.9DB! passed with my blitz pod filter and a 3inch trust/gredy front pipe and a 3inch turbo dump pipe...! connected to my stock muffler...
  20. Hey guys Yep you guys are both exactly right! I just opened my hood before... it was the VACUM plug! it wasnt connected! thanks guys for the help! i also noticed my lost boost. Another question does that surge harm the turbo? or is it basiccally like blocking the BOV.. thank you. Geraus
  21. Hey guys i blocked my stock BOV for a couple of days with a metal plate but today i decided to take it off!... But when i took it off... i can still hear the compressor surge... Would anyone know why ?? im confused... all i have now is a PODY on thats it... Thank you Geraus.
  22. GIHAN IM COMING BRO NEXT WEEK ME AND RUSSO OK sniffler nice turn out sniffler
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