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Everything posted by carizma

  1. Hmm.....I definitely wouldn't have done that on purpose, but that's a good point. Anyways, if no one else noticed their sig links changed, it must have been something I did. Thanks for pointing that out! All's fixed here either way, so cheers, david
  2. Hey, yeah, I had to fix them by editing the HTML this morning when I came in. I assume it was something to do with the ipb_seo.php function....since when I moved my mouse over the link (before fixing them) it said something about that file. all seems good now, so I assume it was just a one time thing that edited the sig files or something....no one else had this happen? anyways, thanks for looking into it! cheers.
  3. just 3 people in Australia (all in Qld) doing these at the moment. We will do them, eventually.....but not at the moment.
  4. Nothing major really, but it seems my sig links got broken somehow. went from http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/t190677.html to http://t190677.html over the weekend somehow. cheers, david
  5. just curious, what's the kpl?
  6. Nice.....and a good price to boot. Might I ask how/why you ended up with two of these things? Probably other people are thinking the same thing.
  7. Yeah, and looking at the prices some of these other private sellers and dealers are charging here, I think they should be buying us beers! Speaking of beer, has SAU ever had a 'meet and greet' kind of happy hour thing for everybody in the CBD? Wouldn't mind grabbing a beer and chatting with some of you knuckleheads for a bit.
  8. How long have you had it for? First owner in AUS?
  9. We do trades, if you're interested in an R34, drop by for a chat. cheers, david
  10. Compliance status?
  11. Hi drifter33, I'm assuming your friend has a compliance workshop? The car seems a bit expensive, but hard to tell without seeing it. We're selling a series 2 manual for $12,000 (including compliance) $3000 is definitely expensive for compliance. We do r33's for $2000 including GST, discount for cash. Compliance will depend on what the import approval states, under the new scheme a car is locked in to a RAWS workshop (but can be transferred if both parties agree). All cars imported under the old scheme now have to be complied under the new scheme, but there are no restrictions on transfers. I'd say if your friend cannot guarantee the compliance, take it to a workshop to make sure it CAN be complied before you buy it. give us a call with any questions, whether you're in VIC or not, feel free to ask us questions. cheers, david
  12. Hi Jetdat, we have a manual, as you can see from the cars listed in my signature. We usually don't do 4 door non-turbo autos, just not much demand for them. This fact will also be important if you ever try to resell this car. Driving manual isn't that much of a pain in the A$$, I'd say rent a manual car for $35 / day and learn in a day. (I'm assuming it's just cause of license issues why you don't want a manual?). Manual is also half the fun of a skyline, you'll thank me in a year for this advice I think. We could always do one via our import service (4door, auto, non-turbo). That's just a $1,100 flat fee, we help you get a good car at auction, bring it in, comply it. You pay all costs directly, just the fee is extra. cheers, david
  13. Sounds like it will be ok.....we comply them for $2000 including GST (discount for cash), located in Richmond + Abbotsford (2 locations). We can lend parts (no charge) if you need anything to get it complied. We're more than happy to give you advice about how to get your car here....give us a call or email, cheers, david
  14. Did that with an image editor. Tried to resize it about a week ago and it didn't work. No worries about that really, but just thought you guys might like to know.
  15. Awesome... That's another thing I remembered..... I used the image resize (drag and drop) in the signature editing screen, and it didn't work..... am I doing something wrong? I'm at home now, but will change everything (manually shrink image, rearrange text, etc.) when I get to the office later, cheers!
  16. I would avoid 300ZX's, we've seen lots of problems with ones people have brought in. Still, maybe people here will tell you otherwise.
  17. Hi, can anyone verify this? I've posted ads with attachments in the business trader section, and users with normal permission can't access the pics. Had to repost images from our server space for people to see. Also, I'm trying to look at ads in Private Seller (whole cars section) with my business trader account, and don't have permission to view regular users attachments..... I can view them fine with a regular user account though. anyone idea how to fix this? cheers, david
  18. great dilemma to have, isn't it?
  19. We've got one coming in, but are having trouble finding boat space for it (it's coming from Kyushu, where a certain large manufacturer is taking all the holds at the moment). It'll be $16,000 plus guaranteed compliance of $2,500 (done by us, all in house, so the car never leaves our control, guaranteed no tyres). It looks pretty stock from the pictures I've seen. I can get you more info if you're interested, I'm sending this from home now. Kick me a PM if you'd like more info and I'll get you pictures and details tomorrow. cheers, -david
  20. We haven't done a supra in a while.....but can import anything if a customer uses our import service, $1100 flat fee. We've got about 10 skylines coming in, no supras on the horizon for the moment. The silver skyline for $17,700 is in the showroom now, looks pretty sweet. All our other cars are in transit. Black one for $9000 will be here tomorrow, others coming in over the weekend I believe.... Ray has an FTO for sale I think, Marc has an Evo, but they're both selling those on the side, not as Carizma employees.
  21. Totally agree with you. We currently have 17 vehicles on our schedule, and these days we have to keep adding new models just to meet our 100 plate quota.
  22. whoops, was logged in under the one I use to test whether the pictures are working....
  23. Haha, sure, but it's gotta wait til next week, cause I have a sore throat now.....come by on a friday preferably, we're usually drinking then anyways....
  24. Are they all turbo'd? I could have sworn we complied some that weren't turbo, but I could easily be mistaken. Evo's and FTO's are an option, should be in your price range. I'd probably stick with a skyline or supra, maybe even an S15. We actually have two non turbos coming in that we bought, but they're already being shipped to Melbourne. Check the cars in my signature for comparison to other dealers prices at least.
  25. ditto on the stock comment....we hardly touch modded cars anymore because of this. If you tell people a car has ever been near a track, you might as well tell them you poured anthrax and bubonic plague over the backseat.
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