Hi again, Just fitted the Bee-r to my R34 GTT (as posted the other day) and all was running fine, infact it was running awsome , until it decided to die on me on the way home. I got it all set up and wired in properley and had the limit set to 7000rpm which is low to what i normally run at 8000rpm .On my drive home i never even hit the limiter and my car just died. I've removed the bee-r and it still wont start or run. I've done a few checks, spark plugs or o.k , compression test was fine , everything seems ok , but i now have no spark to the plugs. Also i can hear a buzzing noise coming from the idle control valve when i turn on the ignition , is this supposed to happen as i dont recall hearing it before. I've took the covers off my power FC and nothing is fried in the ecu either so just wondered if anyone has any ideas
many thanks