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Everything posted by torana_mad

  1. So just say a guy with a torana that just isnt old school wanted to maybe join, would he be loved? You know just to help you guys out and all not sure if i could get myself to put the stick on my car :eek: Ash.
  2. From what i hear "the new legislation" started off as a ban on all leaded race fuels sold from some shops as this was to help stop guys running this fuel on the streets but they have now lifted this ban untill 2005 but you must keep a log book of where and when you buy and use leaded race fuels. And hey i pay $60per 3.5L for my R/C race cars (which is a mix of nitro/methanol) so even if fuel gets to whatever it gets to i will still drive and enjoy my car even if i drink 55L per 200ks. Maybe methanol might become a cheap fuel hahaha. Ash.
  3. Good stuff dave and hey i hope to see the sweet green glow on it the wait will suck big time though. Im sure it will be worth it :burnout: Ash.
  4. "/me gives Ash a few periods and commas" none of that stuff is needed on here, i hope lol. Thats fine mate i just wanted to get my point across and i guess i just didnt stop. Ash.
  5. merli i knew you wanted to sell it so i just gave the hint to hype to help fix his prob and give him more power dont think im telling him to buy cause you said what you said and because you have one for sale it doesnt really worry me who you sell it to but im sure he wouldnt mind one after spending what he did and to have this prob pop up (which cant be helped at that boost) so if he could get a 2nd hand power fc for a good price (and we know your a good guy and look after your stuff) that will make him happy once more In the end i just wanted to say to hype that you had one for sale merli because it would be worth it for him to get one. Ash.
  6. Hey hype didnt merli have a power fc he wanted to part with hehe go the full hog mate :uh-huh: Yeah i hope to be back on road soon but i find out today if i get my new paint or not and if i do car will be stripped down tomorrow and if not the new ignition will be put in and lights sorted. I also have a truck turbo on its way up from melb :uh-huh: so i got some stupid ideas of what to do with it. Ash.
  7. cookie mate do you even have a car? oh sorry i mean are you out of school kids if you dont like it then just dont post and p!ss off. Ash.
  8. oh and turbosmart do a fuel cut defender in a valve and electronic type for around $100-180 and im not sure if it is a good thing/safe to use but you could also put on a air/fuel ratio meter to keep an eye on so that you know if it leans out. oh and its good to hear your cars back on the road and i cant wait to see that front bar with a nice fat cooler in it Ash.
  9. welcome to the word of modified cars lol. man i have had that many probs it aint funny lol. cant you just play with the screw and lower the boost on your Valve. Ash.
  10. goggles my ass boy, but they do keep cops away and i was even thinking about some hipsters, just think of it me getting out of my car with hipsters and goggles lol the cops would run ah ha ha ha. do i turn you on? :lol: Ash.
  11. ahh the good old days of robocop hmmmm. Ash.
  12. Hey they keep cops away ya fools but hey if i turn you on Any time big boys. Ash.
  13. Yeah loz thanks for the ride NOT you is my bitch OH and kids i would just like to say you are sooooo bad starting trucks at 1am, you know who you are:uh-huh: Ash.
  14. Its never safe to street race and the risk will always be there but you dont go off when theres 50 cars around and try to race around other cars been a d!ck. Risk your life but dont put others at risk, i think there is a time and a place for racing and that even goes for the street. Loz shut the hell up. lol. Ash.
  15. hey you so dont need wipers, just take the arms off and be cool like me:cool: . though i do worry about the wain Ash.
  16. Hey loz i dont need your seat ,george i have a bed Anytime big boy you know where im at so dont be shy. :shake: Ash.
  17. hehe yeah that game rocks and yes i felt like i was on smack when the colonel started saying that **** lol didnt know what was going on %| anyone played ZONE OF ENDERS if not get in the same people that made mgs2(koniji or what ever it is) made it and it rocks though its short like 6hrs. Ash.
  18. Yes that game kicks ass one of the best games i have ever played and the way it was made really gets you into it all. All up i think i did it in 12hrs. Ash.
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