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    cars, translating J to E and E to J. Japanese Values.

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    R32 GTST
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  1. Hey Nic, still have the dump/front pipe? Pick up today/morning 0455262778
  2. ZOKU

    R35 Rims Cracking!

    probly due to shit roads and big rims. nissan is run by a gentleman's standards. if it was a corvette, they wouldn't even give you a reply i reckon.
  3. Can I contribue to this? I got 'atmospheric pressure' where LOACH got 'high pressure' im sure it was translation typo.. and sounds like the special tool they have/use does a vacum pressure test on this Boost Sensor. thats why the table line two shows a -47kpa instesd of a +47kpa. sorry if this is what someone has already said. cheers! edit on grammar!
  4. Udated figure 297whp 18psi GT2535 ex gate 16in wheels and more torque!
  5. 32s i found on the net. my 32 is black with stock rims haha RB20 GT2535 18psi 300whp - the car's 20 years old this month!!! they don't make them like they used-to ratty drifter, porn first dibs on this kit if I can find it! local track radial tyre record holder (in japan) lightened to just over a ton and RB20 with 25 turbo. cheers
  6. you get knock from more load on the motor on the same management settings, second gear is more load. but there's many other reasons. Im not an expert tho
  7. I think your motor knocks bcause of rev-limit lean out. the Power FC (like stock ECU) cuts fuel as a rev limiter, opposite to the desired way to cut spark to stop combustion. this is the way I understand it ( drunk blurb ), You can get knock couple of ways, and possibly others but lean fuel mix and hot combustion would do it. knock on the limiter is bad but it's not as bad as knock under load cos it's duration is longer. stay off the limiter or diy and upgrade fuelpump and fix the voltage on the fuelpump wiring. making the fuel richer all round might make the car feel sluggish tho. Octine booster off the shelf didn't seem to work until I put some NF race octine booster (6 ron). It reduced the knock level on PFC, from 74 to high 20's. and even after hitting the limiter at 7700. handset is good for recalling all readings too. Im curious to find out the limit of stock RB series motors. I think it's related to hitting the limiter and leaning out. I thought the upper limit was at 100 on the screen, but someone on early reply got 140! The motor makes most power at... it's best cam timing and leanest fuel ratio. it's probly case by case and a matter of opinion how much before motors usually pop and associated knock reading. I like knowing the RB20 handles being on the limiter better than other RBs when running with PFC. when my car knocked at level 74, stock internal 20 with 84c water temp no oil cooler and 300whp at 20psi boost. so smaller knock reading on the limiter might be ok as long as it's resonable rev for the motor. thats my 2cents
  8. if you got hicas you should do it. much better than unexpected opposite lock at 140km/h
  9. I forgot to add a 'before' photo, so here it is http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo299/m...28062009761.jpg extra lock saved my arse in the rain!
  10. My R32gtst has s14 rack (more lock) and spacers (more lock again) and does not rub on anything. 6.5 caster, 3 deg toe out, 2inch lower than standard ride height. I run standard wheels with 205/50 tyres. hope it helps a bit. I noticed the GTR racks a re totally different to GTST. it was as if one side had a different knuckle geometry to the other. one tie rod was longer than the other..also you can buy AM tie rods with integrated spacer and comes with thinner spacers (washers) to give you max lock. Cheers
  11. I love these kinds of fixes. my 200,000k RB20 runs 1.1mm gapped plug and 18~19psi with no probs. change the plugs every 5000k's. thanks for the thread!
  12. Retuned the motor last week at AllStars in Malaga. Made 295whp @18 psi, 1.3 bar, pretty happy with that. made 20 odd hp across the board too. the car felt better even from the carpark. Changes made was, Rb25 intake pipe before the throttle (bigger than 20) -$free New pipe was made from the afm to turbo, made from truck intercooler piping (spools faster and makes impressive suction noise)-$free Bosch 044 -$100 lucky score 2.5m longer vacum line to waste gate, open little later -$5 Cleaned air cleaner pod -$free Cleaned intercooler core -$free Leak free Bov! and other air leaks fixed. Run on 98ron fuel.
  13. thanks for the quick reply! and extra info 3lit3R32! cheers
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