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Lil Miss 32

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Everything posted by Lil Miss 32

  1. Thanks guys for the support of my birthday by the way!! Just some of the photos hehe this is why i always get in trouble at school... and Nathan doing some kinky shit...
  2. P.s tonight or 2mor i will display the KAHLIS BIRTHDAY SHAVING CREAM FIGHT DAY!! (yes i got into a lot of shit)
  3. Tom your a prick hahaha Yeah those photos dont look like me aye hahahahahaha!! you should ssee me now...TOM MAKE SURE U HAV YOUR CAMERA AT SCHOOL 2MOR HAHAHAHHAHA! GRR
  4. It was my real Birthday Today... Kellie your gonna have a shock of what my hair looks like right now for modelling... crazy
  5. Wouldnt for the steering wheel and airbag cost around 1500?? Coz i know they are over $1000
  6. Thanks Kellie, Its all good i should be fine with the cruise but if i need a hand im glad to have you!
  7. Yea with no airbay i dont even think compliance will allow it until it has a stock steering wheel and airbag, just to get that you'll be paying big cash on top just for the steering wheel and airbag. good luck!
  8. Thanks Damo for remembering my birthday.. Unlike some people that are really close friends with me.................(nathan)
  9. yeah tom i heard about that... your an idiot lol I dont think their illegal.. Anyone use them here??
  10. Hey, Jack gave me an idea, so thought id ask everyone if you use CB radios? Much easier to talk to everyone while driving.
  11. Spotted and spoke to the new owner of the r33 with the r34 front (Vishes) last night.
  12. lol my myspace www.myspace.com/skahli and Leighs myspace www.myspace.com/supragotnos
  13. Driving in my little wiked Holden Cruise Spotted two guys in a silver stock R34 on South Rd. Wanted to try drag them in my little wiked 4clinder banger haha but then they boosted off lol
  14. If you wanna come then go if you dont just dont because this forum was to see whos going to the cruise not to have a bitch. Yeah prob my faught that everyone is complaining about o well. Having dickheads rock up is always a possiblilty on all cruises and same with the police. I dont know what to say anymore.. for those who want to come you more than welcomed and i hope to see the people there who already said they'll come. If you want to talk to me you pm me because im not in the mood for this.
  15. Hope someone finds it!! Will keep a big eye out!
  16. Yeah tom, i realised lol I need to fix it but i need to go on the desktop to edited it!! hehe yay laptop..
  17. Commys and fords which i do not know will be told to leave the cruise because it is an import cruise only unless i know the people, if anyone is being stupid even if i do know them i will be telling them to leave. Only acception i will allow is cooking the marshmallows behind Nathans car...
  18. As I said earlier in the fourm, if there is any unwanted guess i will ask them nicely to leave. Also I advertised it on myspace first for my friends to veiw on myspace, I did ask them to help out but after i spoke to Kellie about issues i didnt know about, yeah it was a bit of a mistake but doesnt mean i will be changing the meet spot.
  19. Happy Birthday Dean!! Sorry im celebrating my birthday on your actual birthday..
  20. Thankyou very much Jenkies, very well said. Like he said if there is any unwanted people I will tell them they wern't invited or any stupidness i will not put up with it! There will be manily imports there, but i do have some friends who have Ford and Holden thats because they are close friends of mine but its mainly Jap Spec!!
  21. Yeah i know Mark, we have cruised with him a few times. His a champ! Mind you everyone, if i havent sent you a text by mobile phone about the cruise (thats if i have your number) i need to wait til friday coz ive gone over my cap!! hehe* Nathan..... LOREN!! looooorrrreennnnnnn... dont make me say anything! I got shit i could say about you... me driving the r34 then you driving next to me.... BRAKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! BANG! CRASH! FRONT BAR! CAR 2 LOW! hahaha sucker!
  22. Yeah i got a lot of single friends hehe... But im taking my bestie Erin with me but she's taken for Travis with the rx-7 hehehe
  23. Wide body aye!? I dont think na you'll have a wide body done in 2 weeks lol. unless its a real shit job or i guess bolt ons are different. should i bring boxes of caned drinks 2?? because if you have food ya need drinks too!
  24. Im just sitting here watching to guys talk to each about your disagreement thingy i dno its just funny. I ordered a lot and a lot and a lot of choccy donuts, thanks to Danai!! Also, i dont really mind what kind of cars are there as long as we are all having fun, just dont want no idiots with bombs being stupid otherwise I'll have a blast!
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