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Lil Miss 32

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Everything posted by Lil Miss 32

  1. Adelaide Pro Rides just started out not to long along with over 10 sponsers already. Mainly imports and Holdens..a bit of a mix but Saturday surely will be more imports than any other car.
  2. Ive had 2 big cruises the last couple weeks and they have been perfect so why act so immature...its just a good chance for people to catch up and meet new people that have the same interest. Mine so far have been excellent so im not going to argue with you because you havent been there.
  3. I hope you dont know any of those girls in your picture because they are ugly as...
  4. Ill be there tonight in the Supra at castles...See you all at the cruise
  5. Hey just to let you guys know considering your talking on my post and you's did go to my cruise.. do have another one on this saturday joined with another car club.. just post on my other topic if you want info and ill send it to you. THANKU!
  6. payed 110 for the my middle guard coz i had my custom front bar on but decided just to put stock bar back on. front bar were going for about 550 for s2 but i picked mine up for 250 including a s2 bonnet and a fender hehe of wait and a indecator with that lol and also got a s2 front bar from a guy for 290 with interior parts and a crash bar. Man im good finding stuff from people lol. Headlights are going for 150 each at wreckers.. i need a right hand one <----series2
  7. Has someone called him about the car??? I think his done a pretty good job so far.. on car point his advertised it with the r34 front.... Just saw that its a series 2 with a sh*t load of kms on it..... 140 000!! Okay so who gonna start a project car with me!! lol Already have the r33 just need to start mods and its good im a fiber glasser!! LETS START THIS!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!
  8. Heres a good one my partner did... Saw that he was about to go through a red light camera, so he drifted side ways and the camera flashed while he was side ways and never got anything sent to him for it. lol.
  9. lol well my s2 headlights go yellow same with my mates gtr and he puts them in the oven lol makes them look new again!!
  10. Kellie his just being an ass! People like him makes me think im talking on ns...no offence Loz.
  11. I always thing there is someone stealing one of our cars at 4am but its the paperboy. HIS SO LOUD! With his peice of sh*t car and music up so loud grrrr!! but we do get worried sometimes coz there is a strange car with a guy in it who sits on my street for about half an hour every couple of weeks then just leaves, we need to be careful considering we do have 4 skylines on my street, 2 GTRs and next door have 3 70s american muscle cars and then my other neighbours have 1 powerful wrx and then my other neighbour has a kitted wrx and then our street has 2 monaros...my street is crazy full of turbo cars and classics... its fun!
  12. My friend just puts my headlight covers in the oven, comes out beautiful!!! or just use polish or something.. it works for me. you dont have to change fenders or anything.. but i would just rather spending the money puttin a nice front kit on the car then s2 parts, i know ive been through it twice finding parts. I dont think you would have any hassle putting s2 front headlights on because they are the same shape just different inside?? have you got a s2 front bar yet??
  13. Spinning out on the freeway.. 1. it was a mistake, stuff happens and you need to take notice things will happen like me on sunday and im lucky im still moving and the other people in their car coz theirs was a ride off. 2. One of the leaders that where making all the stupid stuff happen has gotton kicked out of the club. The main owner, Heath is one of my best mates and he doesnt want any trouble for apr, thats why his taking back over on what he owns. doof doof shootouts with hektic burnouts at fullam??? we dont even go there. i think your getting confused with someone else. Plus this is map is my route and i dont deal with stupid sh*t, trust me if any stupidness, the person is out coz my bringing my own people. Just so everyone knows...
  14. Oh sorry forgot to write this part. The cruise starts down south. Cruise goes up north near port adelaide back down then green hill rd for the hills run at the end. Should be a good turn out. Nice and easy.
  15. Hey Guys, I do know their is the megacruise tomorrow night, ill be going to that also, but I have also decided to organise a cruise for saturday night, since people have been asking me too which i am happy about that people have been enjoying my cruises lately . Be similar to my first cruise just that we are riding with a car club which is called APR, Adelaide Pro Rides... good people they are just joining us for the night. Want details? Let me know and ill pm you. Should be a good night. Whether has been good lately, today is a great day hehe!! Thanks everyone! Ragards Kahli and APR
  16. Who waz that??
  17. Hey Guys finally got some pics up.. sorry if some are bad coz my camera sucks at night time.
  18. Hey guys, Just need a little help for a friend, they needs some r33 parts mainly the right front of the car, so if any one has any crashed r33s or parts they are selling just let me know. xox Kahli xox
  19. Her name is Cassy and im good friends with her.. good chick. Gonna put some pics up tonight... sorry for taking so long i havent had my computer! Thanks Ninja for the pics...
  20. got pics but might put some up 2mor.. gotta go kellies party now YAY!!
  21. lol yeah we heard everyone got lost. there was like ten of us that went down the corkscrew..lol Heard everyone went left on green hill road instead of right lol.. i waited for people and find some but then i dno..should of wait before green hill road.
  22. See ya guys tonight!!! where the billy baxters is!! its 2 stories lol
  23. Hey, Nothing has been changed for the cruise. If your really not sure if you are going i can send you the map, but i will be handing it out at Hilton Plaza anyway tonight!! AHH crusie tonight lol
  24. yay cant wait!!!!!!!!! Just finished the map... pretty good!!
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