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About deesh

  • Birthday 08/12/1981

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    08 Z33 Track
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  1. Try one of those sticker guys, you know, the ones in the ricey vans. They have that sort of thing too.
  2. I only saw them spray the traction compound on the track once, that was during the burnouts, I spose they would have done it before racing started, they could have done it more times, but every other time Ive been down Ive noticed theyve been pretty liberal with the stuff. Not enough for that many cars. Maybe the street meets have left over compound after drag meets, so it could improve through the season after a few more professional events have been run. Near the end I think it was a while silvia/180 got a bit too sideways and crossed the line into the other lane, and they say its safer than public roads. My best time was 14.1, with all the rest in the 14.4-14.7 bracket. Could have been a very high 13, at least a flat 14 if I could get some decent grip.
  3. Careful, dont knock his coke bottle, he's awfully proud of it. Half full eh, so when a you going to go the twin coke bottle mod?
  4. When you buy a car that is financed, usually the deal is they get a pay out figure from the bank, they tell you, you verify it with the bank, and make the bank cheque out directly to the creditor, with the rest going to the seller. The bank cheque is useless to the guy, he has to pay the loan off with it, if he doesnt, the bank cheque is never cashed and it can all be worked out. But sorry to hear about it, theres too many dodgy types around, and the down side is that the bank can handle losing that much money, while it makes a big difference to you, and who gets the first pick at assets, the stupid bank.
  5. pull the big blue plug that goes into the ecu maybe, it wont be getting power then, but the alarm still will.
  6. Can vouch for initialD, ive seen it a few times, definately worth a look, one of the cleanest and nicest 33s ive seen. Cant believe he still has it.
  7. One word of advice, rims and tyres, DONT go to the big shops like bob jane, etc, they will rip you a new hole, and stretch it for you too. Go to a small, local tyre guy, they dont always have everything in stock, but can get it in, and will do good deals just to get your business, cause they need it more than a big chain does. Do your looking at a big place, buying at a small place. Saved me $700 doing it this way (wheels+tyres).
  8. If you go in to marlows, and look in the glass case where they keep guages, and various rice accessories, you will find GTR Badges, apexi, hks, and other jap brand badges and stickers.
  9. How much were you looking to get for it? Auto/manual? may as well post full specs. I'll probably have room for a new project soon, if its what I want, in my price range and you've still got it by then.
  10. They have just started doing that now, since they caught too many people with no front plate, and they could only give a $50 fine. Although some people have got off lightly when they geniunely had an excuse (like FMIC just fitted and no where to put the plate), depends on the cop.
  11. Thats why u were driving the jeep the other day, congrats. Time for a drift car now.
  12. Yeah, whoring has gotten better over the last couple of weeks, I must admit. The whore thread is working, and if youre worried about space, then we should just give whore posts a limited life time, the count is 6000+ at the moment.
  13. do we really need to store 5000+ whoretown posts? Cant most of them be deleted, either through vbulletin or directly in the database? wont take more than a few minutes if youve got access and know what you're doing. IRC is a better idea though. And yes, theres too much whoring, remember, its not the size of your post count, its how you use it.
  14. dont buy expensive plugs, just buy cheaper ones more often, change them with your oil. One thing to make sure is that you get the right oil grade if you take it somewhere like a local shop, i think most cars take 20W50, and it should be 10W40 or something, correct me if im wrong, but its something like that.
  15. yeah, he put regular unleaded in, from what ive heard that smells nicer and gives you bigger head rushes than the more pure 98 stuff.
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