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About br3ndan

  • Birthday 17/04/1987

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    Perth, Australia

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  • Car(s)
    Nissan Skyline R33 GTST
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  1. You know me Nathan! So hand it over! hahaha Thought I would clear up, that it used to be my car, I sold it to the girl who got it stolen off her. I paid insurance on that thing for 4 years.. cost me a fortune.. She had it just 2 months and no insurance and its gone!.... Nice thinking Paulie C, while yes i tend to agree with others in regards to insurance, but its nice to know someone is always trying to help. Refreshing change in this modern world dont ya think?
  2. Yep, that may be the one. Police contacted the new owner, asked for pictures to 100% identify thats it the one... just waiting on the phone call to confirm... sigh i hope there isnt too much damage.. Not surprised they crashed it.. probably didnt realise or didnt know how to handle a car with a two way and side slid it into a pole or something....
  3. I used to drive it to curtin when i had her. usually parked her at the loading zone bay near 408 abacus.... was the best spot as no one could park next to her and leave dents in the doors, when they opened theirs...
  4. Pictures.... please keep a look out....
  5. That could be be the case, but unfortunately the new owner had yet to buy any insurance... I still don't understand how they started to so easily, with the system I had in it should of made it very difficult. Unless they just chucked it on the back of a tilt tray truck?
  6. Forgot to include that it has a Nismo 2 way diff
  7. Hi All, It comes with great sadness that this morning I had a phone call from the new owner that my previous Skyline (which i sold around 2 months ago) has been stolen at 5:15AM this morning in the suburb of Darch. I loved that car to bits and many of you have seen it on cruises and have known how clean that skyline was. The reason why I am posting this even though its not my car anymore, is that these thief's need to be caught and brought to justice. It seems like they knew were it was, came and just drove it off. Keys were NOT stolen and it had a laserline alarm/immobilisers installed as well as a autowatch pin keypad. There was no glass at the scene, so it leaves me wondering if they pryed open the window and press the button to open the passenger door. Even if this occured the alarm would of went off either by the motion sensors or the door sensor when it was opened, this seemed to not deter them. Its a distinct car, (anyone who has seen it before would recongnise it) with white P1 buddy club rims on it, lowered, Front mount with the mpsec front bar that has the middle bit cut out and slotted rotors all round. Number plate is 1DPB 625. It also has a Japanese sticker, with three Japanese characters on the top middle of the rear window., it also has a very slight cracked driver side indicator and small scratch on the passenger side door. I will post photos tonight when I get home to help identify the car, I don't have any photos with me at the moment. I have a feeling these guys are somewhat professional to get the car going with ease despite system in place to help stop them. I have included its mod list below, incase you see things pop up in the for sale thread/quokka I am devasted even though its not my car, alot of blood, sweat and tears went into this car, and the thought of it being thrashed, smashed and maybe even chopped up is bringing me close to tears. If you have any info on it, please give me a call on 0434 513 444 or pm me on here. Cheers guys! Modifications List: HKS Hi power silent catback exhaust Apexi RSM HKS Hipermax D (drift) Coilovers Cusco Front strut brace Billion radiator cap Alloy radiator Cooling Pro stealth front mount Supervision 6000k HID's P1 Buddy club rims Federal 595 tyres (235 at the front, 255 at the rear) Kenwood Cd player Razor Gear knob Greddy oil cap Bride ergo racing seat with bride super low rails Greddy air diverson plate Boost gauge Darkest legal tint Slotted Rotors (All four) EBC Greenstuff brake pads (All four) Exedy Cushion button clutch Quite a few dollars spent on the alarm system for the car. (The full details of this will only be given to the new owner of the car, but trust me on the fact that it is overkill) Greddy Turbo Timer Nismo Clear side winkers Blue Wheel nuts Blitz BOV HKS superflow pod filter
  8. Heya, been awhile Brendan! .. Yes as soon as I sold it my Dad asked me if i was interested in importing a r34 from Japan, he is pretty keen about getting one now that we have had some experience importing a few cars from USA. Its certainly something thats on the cards after I save a few more dollars!! ... So i am sure I will be back soon enough!! =)
  9. Hi All, So i am been a member here on this site since October 2007!... and also a proud owner of a r33 nissan skyline. Tonight I have just seen my car driven away by its new owner! I haven't lost passion for japanese cars, but rather have a strong urge to own a japanese motorbike!! Guess this is just a post to say thanks for all the advice, cruises and good times I have had with the skyline and SAU WA. Hope to still see you guys around... except I will be on two wheels not four!.. Cheers, Br3ndan
  10. Good luck for tomorrow mate. Let us know how it goes...
  11. I am using irridium plugs and have been for the past year or so. No problem what so ever with them. on low or high boost and they are gapped at 0.8... and I am still using standard coilpacks at the moment as they are still going strong. I used them for the same reason as Hanaldo... I didnt want to unplug / unscrew everything every 5k or so...
  12. I got the set of kingchrome for 49 dollars.... so if anyone needs to borrow this socket, just let me know
  13. Thanks anyway Pal. Looks like I will have to buy the set! ... Will now everyone knows where they can most likely borrow one next time they need it. Set for Kingchrome is 49 dollars =(
  14. Cheers Jimmy, Any luck on finding just the individual socket? I have a full set of TXX (the socket without the hole) so I dont really need another full set of exactly the same but with a hole. Bit of a pain if I have to buy the full set. Ill keep looking for this week, if no luck I guess I will have to buy the whole set! I would get pissed off at my 2way from the vibrations but I love it too much haha....
  15. Hi All, One of my counter weights have come loose in my steer wheel. Which Im guessing is because of the vibrations my 2way gives out. So I am on the hunt for a T50H socket to take off my steering to mount this counter weight back again. But so far no luck at the normal tool outlets. Can anyone recommend any ? I have tried: Supercheap Repco All Tools Auto 1 I live SOR so I would prefer somewhere in that area as I work full time office hours so its hard for me to get anywhere too far. Cheers in advance.
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