nope it wont,,, thats exactly my point..
however, the new static speed camera will if they decide, which is most likely, to go a little bit faster.
So instead of them looking behind them, seeing the semi, deciding to go a little bit faster to get across the amber light... which really is the smartest thing to do, rather then have a semi locking its brakes up behind you. (yes ive seen it many times before). They will realise the speed camera will go off, and they will slam the brakes. A semi up the ass of ur car... will do the following:
1. Smash the rear end of ur car to bits... most likely write off.
2. Give u severe whiplash and who knows what other neck problems
3. push you INTO the intersection, then who knows whats going to happen.
You may say now, o thats ok... it wont be their fault. The insurance will cover it. Insurance is no good if you dead, or worse, severely hurt and have to suffer the rest of your life.
I have nothing against static cameras, infact i prefer them to mobile ones and they are probably more effecient and effective when palced in the correct spots. However, placing them at traffic lights, which already have red light cameras seems to me, they just want more money. The majority of people wont go through a red light if they know a red light camera is there.