hey people's..
every time i open the garage with the remote, the alarm sets itself off, and when i press the button again to put the garage door down, the alarm stops lol...
any suggestions as to why it may happen?
what i used on mine was a hair dryer, then the stickers came off easily, but had a little bit of a sticky residue left, and a guy told me to use 'wax and grease' remover, and it worked a treat and didnt heart the paint..
yeh im paying $1680 full cover, but if some prick decides to steal it and burn it out, and i cant prove who did it, i have to pay $3000 lol but if it jsut gets broken into, i pay 600
its camo but not whats on the other ones...its like...i dunno more sharp, would look cool, but then again, some people wont like it, but yeh, just a thought
hey just wondering if anyone could tell me a rough price for a Digital Camo spray? not that im going to do it, just opening up my options for when i eventually spray..