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Everything posted by GD2ILA

  1. i have a exedy HD single plate clutch, over 14 launches (250rwkw) and still going strong.
  2. GD2ILA

    New Baby

    you'll be surprised at how many of her friends actually say that to me. lol
  3. i feel ur pain, have had mine stolen as well. if i ever catch any one stealing my new caps i'll treat them the same as if they broke into my car.
  4. GD2ILA

    New Baby

    not exactly, why leave money in ur account to collect interest when u can spend it right? lets help the economy . but really she has earnd it, only problem is she's lacking in driving experience. maybe have to send her to a Driver Dynamics day??? when she got her P's she was only taught how to pass .
  5. Hi Mate, do a search as i'm pretty sure there is a sticky somewhere and this has been more than coverd before. Good luck
  6. GD2ILA

    New Baby

    hahaha..... i love how this has turned into a SPOON thread. lol
  7. congratulations mate, it's always nice to see another skyline on the roads.
  8. GD2ILA

    New Baby

    Well my lil sister has kept her end of the bargain (finish VCE with enter 90+ and now in uni 1 year to go till graduation ). So as good loving father and brothers we bought her a car hence new automotive baby in the family. But there are a few conditions/requirements she has to meet before i'll let her take it out on her own .
  9. nah she wasn't hot, but she thinks she is (admiring herself in her reflection). my friend did get it from QLD with about 20,000k's on her. he had it for 1 month then sold it to me, i've now clocked up 95,000k's. Just got it back from Racepace 9yrs old and still pushing out 250rwkw. i think i saw you too, were you driving your 4door skyline? that's me (in front of car, and if you look closely enough you can almost see me in the reflection of every pic) pretty ugly hah? lol
  10. Hello everyone as you all know i had my front end chop off last year , and this is the first proper photos i've taken of the car since i got it back . I just washed with Meguiars Gold wash and polished with Autogleam (one of the best polish out there) and too me the car can't get any shinnier than that. Had a lady use my car as a mirror when i went to coles at Altona Gate . http://s710.photobucket.com/albums/ww109/GD2ILA/BNR34/
  11. every morning when i wake up and leave the house i have a choice too make, either the BNR34 or E46 330CI CAB and i chose the GTR everytime. The BM is fully loaded with every option you can get and sports package but the GTR is just that much more fun to drive. I enjoy my driving, changing gears and everything that comes with driving a manual. Jap car's or Euro cars are what they are designed to be let it be luxury or performance or both.
  12. well i got mine from QLD, lower tax's up there so cheaper cars (one of the reasons anyway). no problems what so ever having it brought down to melb. had the car for 1 week and off to Ben it went.
  13. start and finishing time at dr drifts??? i'll prob meet you there.
  14. my car is my daily driver, air-con on full no probs at 10:20am my MFD says intake temp 43degrees. so i don't rev over 4000rpm. don't wanna push it on days like yesterday and today.
  15. GD2ILA

    Spotted Thread

    i just washed the car at home, all nice and sparkling. got a phone call to go into work. So i let my bro borrow the car that day.
  16. GD2ILA

    Mobile Phone

    mate please do, i have found a shop that sells it. but the price they want is extremely high, lets say i can buy a N96 and a quater. greatly appreciated. And make sure it's made in Germany/Quad Band and only has 128mb of mem.
  17. i'm also with just cars, had a claim end of last year. They were very very good. i had a lot of probs trying to get parts as my car had all genuine Nismo parts. and as you all know nismo is no longer part of nissan. i wrote a very nasty email to just cars (in which the mail was past on to someone higher up along the chain) and she (from JCI) called nissan to find out whats happening and she got the ball rolling a lot faster. All in all very happy with JCI but not happy with nissan australia. note: if you are currently with JCI and you have any major probs, let me know and i'll give you the email of the person from JCI that got things done for me.
  18. GD2ILA

    Mobile Phone

    Hi Krzysiu, thanks for researching, but the deliema is that i get phone allowance up to $100.00 so i have to get it on a plan. Other option is to get a NOKIA N96 with a plan than sell the phone, than buy the 8600. Hmmm...... what to do???
  19. GD2ILA

    Mobile Phone

    Hello Peoples, Plez help me find the phone i want, i'm looking for a NOKIA 8600 LUNA. But nobody has one . Can anyone here find 1 or is able to order it in from overseas. Any help in getting me this phone is greatly appreciated .
  20. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=LxxBxvOGXm0&fmt=18
  21. what the hell is this thread about???? (stares at monitor and thinks) anyway there's no speed limits up here right or wrong and what is your top speed?
  22. sorry too hear that you crashed it. i just got mine back and now you lost yours. so we're still 1 skyline short on the streets. good luck.
  23. i agree with everyone else so far, for a street car exedy is the way to go. i'm pushing 280awkw and have a Exedy heavy duty single plate clutch. have done over 10 launches and clutch is still perfect.
  24. GD2ILA

    Need Help!

    mate alot of us work or arn't home yet, so get it some time. Be patient.
  25. GD2ILA

    Gta R34 Gtr

    Hey Urgh4, BNR34's are a awesome piece of machinery fast and handling is like ur on rails. If u can get 1 great. But as a fellow Australian and SAU member, becareful this car in the wrong hands can be lethal, get used to how it drives and handles and always respect the car and other road users.
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