My name is Ana. I'm a student producer from Curtin University who is doing a Music Video Project.
We teamed up with a local Perth band and currently in production of their music video for an EP they will be releasing early next year.
We required some volunteers from car enthusiast who would like to be in a music video, we're shooting this Sunday 21st October 2007 around 4-5PM.
There is no actual racing or driving involved, and you will be with your car most of the time. We need people who are proud of their car and would like to show their awesome cars in music video.
We can't pay you for your time, but we will give you a full copy of the music video. Also free nibbles and refreshments are provided and you can hopefully meet up with other Perth Car enthusiasts.
This is real and serious project going to be a closed and controlled filming area and we do have insurances and public liability notice.
Location is in Perth, if you are interested please PM me and i can give you more information or phone Ana on 0432 484235 thank you.
This is the location of the shoot:
Student Green Parking 9B
Curtin University
Sunday, 21st October 2007 at 4PM
I also would like to inform everyone that Curtin is a 30km/h zone, and while the security in Curtin are happy to accomodate us for the film shoot, they will still be extremely strict. The same rules apply i suppose, no horseplay no burn outs, we just don't want anything bad to happen or get told to leave.
Thank you <3
P.S if you are bored and have nothing to do before 4PM, we are shooting our live band segment in the TV Studio from morning. So feel free to pop by anytime (well the studio is locked so you need to ring me so i can swipe you in) It's nothing fancy, lots of lights, lots of camera, grab a chair, have some pizza etc. Cheers~