Hi guys/gals,
I need to get a cooler for my 33 GTR that will be used primarily on the track, at Targa Tas (eventually) and at Lake MT Sprint early next year. At the moment the engine is just about stock besides sump baffling and is running std boost, only mods to that are filters, intake and turbo back exhaust (more power will come in time but have to keep within regulations for Targa).
Looking at most of the Jap kits the biggest they make to suit the car is about a 16 row which didn't seem to cut the mustard for certain people running at MT Buller earlier this month (albeit more power than my setup). I can fit a 28 row PWR cooler between the intercooler and radiator easily but i have heard this could cause the heat to be transferred onto the water.. There is not much room in the drivers side guard as the stock bov setup is taking up most of the room. There is room on the passengers side for maybe a 19 row but this would cause the heat to be transferred to the intake or if it was shrouded with all air from the vent passing through it the intake wouldn't get much fresh air...
What setups are people running in events like Targa and Mt Buller running for their oil cooling?
Would 28 row be overkill or perhaps too much for the pump (std gtr pump at the moment, will go to either tomei or jun)
Running Oran Park last month the car was only able to get 1 flying lap before temps went to dangerous levels and driving the touring stage at Mt Buller the oil was in the danger zone even though i was driving a third of race pace. Both times though the water needle hasn't moved after the car is warm (though this could be the crap stock water temp gauge).
Anyway thanks in advance, i've been looking through here for a while now trying to find setups of targa spec cars to no avail.