Okay folks, due to a number of unforeseen circumstances both within and outside of the club, the SAU:NSW committee will be unable to draw the winners at the proposed Open General Meeting (OGM) we were hoping to hold next weekend. Time constraints have gotten the better of a number of us, and our foolproof plan was to have the meeting and prize draw on the same day as Australia's favourite big taxi race, which would not have worked well for attendance at said OGM (hey, we're still human, after all)...
Now, the draw WILL still go ahead, and the details of the winner will be posted in this thread once all of the finer points are sorted and locked in.
For those who have already entered, we wish you the best of luck. For those who have not entered, you still have until Friday 11 October 2013 to join the club or renew your Membership. Remember, if you're already an existing Member of SAU:NSW, you still have to submit and pay for a renewal to enter.