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Everything posted by GoldZilla

  1. Where have you been hiding Paul? Come back!
  2. I'm glad that this has sorted itself out, but just to re-iterate for the future:
  3. Okay, this is the one-and-only warning to EVERYONE: all the name-calling, baiting, trolling and other crap will end immediately. Anything that looks in any way like a personal shot at something or someone else will be followed up by formal warnings, the temporary bans, and a permanent ban if necessary. You're all (apparently) adults, so please start acting like it. Less of the schoolyard garbage please, I was hoping you'd all be beyond that. I know we all like to stir each other up in a friendly way, but everyone should remember that words written on a screen are not able to express tone of voice and body language. This is why emoticons were created, right? If your post is meant to be a friendly jibe, then MAKE SURE it comes across this way - add a smiley or something. It's an extra few keystrokes on your keyboard, use it.
  4. The number plate didn't give it away, Aron?
  5. On Friday just passed, I spotted MR33YO a few times along Kissing Point Road at various points during the day. Car was looking clean! I'm not generally a fan of R33s, but this one is nice!
  6. Thread closed. Believe it or not, but since SAU started more than 7 years ago, this topic has been discussed before. Please use the search function in future. It may be found here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=forums While we understand that it can be frustrating to have your thread closed - Please consider that other members may feel it to be disrespectful and selfish of you to post a simple question, without using the search feature to review the wealth of information provided by said members over the years. If you still feel that this action is unjust, then please PM me and we can discuss it further.
  7. Your wife/significant other, or your car?
  8. So, I went to a Roller Derby a few weeks ago, and apart from the noise (which eventually gave me a headache), it was pretty damned awesome. I broke out the 70-200L, and a friend had his 24-105L as well, so we swapped lenses a few times over the night depending on where we were sitting in relation to the action. Not sure how sharp this is, when I zoom in on it in LR it looks a bit soft. My 70-200 doesn't have IS and I didn't have a flash... IMG_7064-2 by GoldZilla, on Flickr This was taken using the 24-105: IMG_7236-2 by GoldZilla, on Flickr
  9. Spotted Nick (intune) in his Navara and Paul (Piggaz) in his R33 GT-R at Unigroup earlier.
  10. Wow, lowering and the larger set of GTR wheels actually makes the car look physically smaller in that photo!
  11. Looks great, and looks kinda like mine, except (obviously) R35 wheels are bigger than V35 wheels.
  12. Let us know how the ride is as well.
  13. Alright, the whole reason that the rule changes were made was to provide better access to a range of newer, SAFER cars to the younger, inexperienced drivers we have on our roads. Of course, this will also provide the same people access to turbocharged Silvias, Skylines, etc., but these are likely to be some of the same people who currently would buy one regardless of what the outgoing rules are. With a whole heap of manufacturers turning to forced induction on increasingly smaller engined cars, the current rules banned P-platers from driving some of the safest cars on the road today. Wanna buy a new VW Golf or Jetta? Every version of the new Golf and Jetta ranges is turbocharged, and hence, banned. Wanna buy an older Saab? Up until Saab stopped manufacturing, every one of the cars they had for sale was turbocharged. BMW 1-series hatch or 3-series sedan or Touring? Same thing. Any Audi from the A1, A3, A4, A5 and A6 range? It's either turbocharged or a big V8. In fact, there's only one car in their whole current range that might meet the current criteria, and that's a V6 with 200kW. An Opel Astra or Insignia, you ask? Nope, all are turbocharged. New Volvo? Same deal. Now, although a fair chunk of the cars listed above are out of the budgets of a whole bunch of us, the whole point is that these are some of the safest new (or newish) cars on the road. Budget permitting (obviously), wouldn't it be better to see inexperienced drivers in one of these cars? There are likely a whole bunch of rich mummies and daddies who couldn't buy these cars for their kids because they didn't meet the criteria.
  14. And therein lies the problem...
  15. Don't worry, Christian - SAU-NSW Exec meeting tonight: Eric's R33 GT-R hidden away in the garage, Ciaron's R33 GTSt parked on the street, Mat and Carmen's LandCruiser parked on the street, Tats' Mk.VI Golf in Eric's driveway, my parent's new Mk.VII Golf also parked on the street. If Mat and Carmen had used one of their other cars, it could have been three Skylines (Mat's R34 GTt) or three Golfs (Carmen's Mk. VI GTI). If I'd used my own car, it would be one LOLvo instead of Zee Cherman. That's still kind of a Skylines spotted, right? (Hides from Duncan.)
  16. It doesn't matter whose car is faster or slower, this is a cruise! It'll be good to get as many Stageas together as possible, so if you can still bring yours (maybe get a friend or significant other to drive?), bring yours too.
  17. LOL, I was looking at this thread just last night and noticed that there hadn't been any activity in it for ages, then you post in here!
  18. Not sure what dates are best for me, so I'll leave that up to you guys to decide, but I would love a cruise up the Old Pac, then dinner at Trackside in Gosford.
  19. Man, those Weds LXZs look spot-on on Julie's s2!!! Beautiful wheels, great choice!
  20. OK, not sure if anyone else encounters this, but with the dark "Innovation" desktop theme, the editing options either don't appear at all in the quick reply section, or are hidden completely in the "More Editing Options" or "Start New Thread" pages. I'm using Firefox v.22.0 Examples: "Pulse" theme: "Innovation" quick-reply: "Innovation" full reply page (also, if you mouse-over where the invisible editing options should appear, the area goes darker grey and shows you what should be there (i.e. Bold, Italic, etc., but not the icon itself): Also, can you please bring back the "Return to top" buttons?
  21. Spotted an s1 260RS at the Fuel 4 Charity show @ Silverwater Park today.
  22. Spotted a silver s1 C34 parked in Penrith right near the RSL around 1.45pm today.
  23. Leaving home right meow!
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